Chapter 7

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Brandon's P.O.V.

Today was Alex's first day of school, I can't wait to visit him. Oh I'm going to lock him up and make sure he stays mine. Then I'll kill Armando. This'll be fun...

Alex's P.O.V.

Today was the first day back.................. FUCK!!!! I'm going to murder my self. Brandon was my motherfucking math teacher. Do you know how fucking awkward it'll be. Not to fucking mention how fucking dangerous!?!?!? Well @ least I was smart to switch all my classes so my boyfriend is in all of them. I also switched out of his class. On a separate topic, Armando practically couldn't keep his hands of me and that couldn't make me feel happier.
                          ~time skip~

Turns out Brandon is the only math teacher for my grade. I walk into his classroom scared for my life. He legit gave the class a seating chart where he put me right next to his fucking desk. God I'm fucking screwed. He asked to see me after school for a detention. God forbid I asked him why, his response? "Oh just for existing. But since you talked back to me with more than the words yes sir, you get detention for the rest of your fucking life." I went through the rest of my classes then finally school ended. He waited for me @ my last class, even as far as canceling his last class for life and pining me to the wall.
"So I saw that you were missing last 4 nights......WHERE THE FUCK HAVE YOU BEEN YOU LITTlE FUCKING WHORE??!!!," he yelled through his teeth."I was @ my boyfriend's house." I replied. He did not like that one bit.

"You weren't @ your boyfriend's house because you weren't home...... I should be ur motherfucking  boyfriend, yet you whore around to another guy and "date" him.... you. are. mine. Got that? Little brother. Little bitch. MY whore!!"
I kneed him in his crotch which sent him dow howling. I made a break for it and luckily was able to catch Armando @ the locker room changing from football practice. I gave him the quick gist and told him that we needed to leave. Thankfully he was just needing a shirt and we bolted for his car which we sped over speed limit home safe and sound, for today @ least...

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