Chapter Six

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I don't know what Spencer told Brendon, but it must have heen impressive because Brendon doesn't leave me once the rest of the day. Even in the break, when everyone wants Brendon to sit with them, he refuses so he can stay with me. I'm flattered.

"Ryan?" Brendon signs and I smile.


"Can you please learn me more signs?" He says then. I nod and a huge smile creeps onto my face. Soon I'm learning him some basics. He picks it up quite soon and I'm glad about that. That means he'll be able to sign more to me soon. I learn him words about family like 'mom' 'dad' 'brother' 'sister' etcetera, when suddenly Dallon walks by. He glares at me and I shrink. Brendon immediately stands up and screams something to him. I see people laughing at Dallon and his face turns red. He sticks up his middlefinger to Brendon and walks away.

"Brendon what did you say?" I sign. Brendon looks at me and frowns.


I make the sign for talking and then I point in the direction where Dallon left.

"You want to know what I said to Dallon?" He asks me and I nod. Brendon grins.

"I said that it was pathetic that he had to pick on a deaf guy to feel special and I asked him if he was a fag and secretely crushing on you." He says. I bite my lips.

"Did you had to use the word fag?" I say and I hope I don't sound all too weird. Brendon seems less secure now and shrugs...

"Seemed like a good idea because he called you a fag too and-"

"Dall... Dall-un... he called me a fag?"

"Yeah. When I walked in on Jon beating you up, Dallon did." Brendon says and I bite my lips harder, probably even drawing blood.

"It is true what he said... I am a fag..." I sign. Brendon asks me what I signed but I shrug, Brendon doesn't need to know that. I don't want to screw up now we've finally become something like friends.


When school is over Brendon drops me off at Spencer's. I thank him again for being there for me today, and then I step out of the car. I wave at him and then he drives away. I press the doorbell and Spencer opens the door. When he sees the bruise on my cheek he gasps.

"Poor boy..." he signs. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine now. My cheek hurts, but at least I think Dallon, Jon and Ian will leave me alone from now on. Brendon made sure of that."

"It's so weird to think about 'Brendon' and 'help' in one sentence. I don't
know what made him change his mind about you, but I'm glad he did..."

We then start to sign about how Spencer feels, and he watches the videos on ny camera and explains everything to me. It's good to have such a good friend like Spencer.

Wonderful Caricature Of Intimacy [Ryan/Brendon/Dallon]Where stories live. Discover now