Chapter 2: Petey's Story (With a few interruptions) (Part 2)

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Anyway, after our little break, here is the next bit...

G- (Hold on, Petey!)

G-(I'm comin' for ya!)

P-(OH, CRUNKY! OH, BUB!) | (Help is on the way!)

B-(Yeah, Boss?)

P- (HELP THAT GUARD!) | B-(Okay, Boss!)

{Petey smirking}

{Petey slamming the door}

{Petey locking it}

G-(Lemme at him!) | C/B-(We're helping!) | P-(🎵)

GUARD 2-(Bye, Dr. Katz!) | P-(So long, sucka!)


"..So that's why I am came to get you.." Petey continued. You were looking back at the city which was far away, but still close at the same time. "..and that's why we need to leave!" He got off the bench and grabbed your hand. "Also you still interrupt a lot," he added.
"Oh. Sorry; why are we running? Those three in prison," You asked, as the two of you ran along.

"Who knows? Maybe something silly will happen?"

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