Poems; Day 1

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I open my front door and close it, quickly realizing that Natsuki is staying with me tonight. I open my front door to see Natsuki breathing heavily, and I grab her right arm, pulling her inside as I close my front door.

"Wah!!!" Natsuki shouts.

"Ehehehe. S-sorry about that, Natsuki." I chuckle then apologize to Natsuki.

"Hehehe. It's ok... Hey, what's your name?" Natsuki asks me.

"Chloe's my name!" I respond to Natsuki's question shyly.

"Nice name!"

"Th-thanks. What's yours though?"

"Oh! My name's Natsuki!" Natsuki answers my question with a bit of curiosity I can detect fairly easily.

I walk upstairs to my bedroom and Natsuki follows closely behind me too. I open my bedroom door and think. Home, sweet, home! Natsuki eyes my manga shelf,

"You read MANGA too?!"

"Y-yeah. I guess that I'm the one that got Noah into reading Manga 2 days after I started reading manga too." I open my eyes and see Natsuki blushing. I look around my room and spot my paralyzed kitten Challenger (see what I did there? I put Challenger as the kitten's name for the Challenger 7). I walk over to Challenger and pick her up,

"Challenger!! It's nice to see you scooting yourself into your little house again!" I exclaim.

Natsuki turns around and sees Challenger licking my nose,

"Aww~ That's adorable! What's the kitten's name?" Natsuki asks me.

"Her name is Challenger! I named her after Challenger's explosion in 1986."

"Umm. Wasn't that 34 years ago, on the DOT?"

"Yeah, it was."

"I didn't know that you're also a NASA fangirl too!"

"No one knows that I am. Well, only Noah and you know that now I guess." I look at Challenger and say to her, "Happy birthday Challenger~"

"Wait, her birthday's today?!" Natsuki shouts as she sits down in front of Challenger.

"Mhm, well, not exactly. She was born 12 weeks ago, on the 28th of November."

"That was Thanksgiving Chloe!!" Natsuki replies.

"I know."

Challenger scoots her way to Natsuki's lap and manages to curl up into a fluffy, tiny, adorable, and purring, tabby ball once in Natsuki's lap.

"She's CUTE!?!" Natsuki shouts as she pets Challenger's head.

"I know she is. I found her on the street 10 weeks ago. Her mother wasn't anywhere near her, so I picked her up, brought her inside my house, fed her, put her little house, litter box, food, and water dishes, out to where they are right now." I reply.

Natsuki blushes and I look out the window,

"The poems!" Natsuki and I say in unison.

I blush a bit as Natsuki and I laugh together. I pull out a couple of sheets of paper, and a couple of pens. I hand one of each to Natsuki as she puts Challenger in her little house for her to sleep for only 25 minutes.

"Time to write now, I guess." Natsuki says to me sounding as if she was dreading this moment.

I continue to look out of my window and get an idea for my poem.

The Moon

The moon shines brightly out my window at night
I think and remember about Apollo 13

The only lunar landing that never actually happened
An oxygen tank failure.

The Moon is a friend I've had

I pause writing my poem to gain any ideas. Natsuki quickly reads my poem-in-progress and whispers into my ear,

"Cute poem, Chlo!"

Losing my train of thought, I jump in the air a little bit and Natsuki chuckles. I regain my train of thought for any ideas when Natsuki recommends an amazing idea for the rest of my poem to follow,

"Why don't you write in your poem about how 'The Moon' is enchanting your aura!"

I continue writing my poem-in-progress.

My aura is enchanting itself just by me looking at The Moon.
It shines like the sun during the day
My aura calls The Moon, "Aquarius"
I recognize that name
After hearing my aura calling The Moon "Aquarius"
I am more knowing of that name being significant to the Apollo 13 Lunar Module, LM

The Moon enchants my Aura every night
Leaving Aura with no choice but to say goodbye
As soon as the Sun lets it's first rays of dawn
Slowly approach the shadows
The Moon brings upon the Night.

I finish my poem and hand it to Natsuki,

"Your poem is adorable Chlo!" Natsuki complements my poem and blushes noticeably at that.

Without me noticing, Challenger scoots into my lap and purrs as she yawns. I hear Challenger purring and look down at my lap.

Natsuki hands me her poem, still blushing mediocre from 5 minutes ago.


The Stars shine while The Moon
Shines brightly tonight

All I want is for the Stars
To shine during the day too
To not be free-falling by daylight

I only want Stars to be seen and not heard
They give me hope at my Papa's home
I am determined to leave Papa
And to turn over a new leaf

By letting the endless ocean of Stars at night
To guide me before the morning light.
Stars are my way of seeking help when I need it
They let me talk to them
I can hear what they mean

I want Stars to shine heavily bright at night.

"D-did you write this to coincide with mine, Natsuki?"

"Ehehe. Well kind of. I just want Monika, Sayori, Yuri, and even you to be impressed by my poems!" Natsuki answers my question when I get a notification on my phone.

Ellie: Hey sis! JAXA rocket launching right now!

Chloe: I can see it, Ell!

"Wh-who is that Chlo?"

"My sister. I have 2 siblings. Each was born 2-4 minutes after me. The youngest, who was born 4 minutes after me, Lazari, is looking for any clubs of interest to her. Ellie, born 2 minutes after me, is always joining any astronomy-themed clubs she can find."

"Oh! Challenger's asleep in your lap."

"I know."

I yawn, pick Challenger up, walk to my bed, lay on my bed then I go to sleep for the night. Natsuki goes to sleep for the night by laying on my bed next to me.

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