Part 2

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The Ring Atrocity : Part 2⁣

BGM : Kannaneh Kanne - NRT⁣

He saw her hand scrunching the bedsheet at her sides... ⁣
The tension in her was evident... ⁣
He could feel..⁣
the sadness...⁣
the anger...⁣
the dissapointment..⁣

He let out a huge breath and placed his hand on top of hers, slowly easing out the bedsheet from her grip.. ⁣

K Mindvoice : Naa iruken di... ⁣

That touch of his was the only form of comfort she felt in this entire ordeal... ⁣

She wanted more...needed more...⁣
Without thinking twice, she hugged him and cried her heart out.⁣

He was a little surprised with her reaction but if she didn't hug him, he would have. ⁣
He wanted to comfort badly... ⁣
Deep inside he knows something isn't right with the story Kasthuri told.. ⁣
Mullai won't lie, yes she did something without his knowledge but what Kasthuri said and how Mullai reacted, proved him that's not what happened. ⁣
Mullai would have admitted to the truth if that's the truth, no matter how bitter it is. ⁣
He knows her... ⁣
He knows Kasthuri lied.. ⁣
He knows Mullai isn't telling the entire story... ⁣
He wants to know the truth.. ⁣

Her body was shaking in his embrace, still crying. ⁣
He let her... ⁣
He waited for her to relax... ⁣
Gently he rubbed her back, holding her close to him.. ⁣
She cried harder... ⁣

K Mindvoice : ippadi aluvuraleh.. ⁣

He sushed her near her ears while gently patting her shoulder.. ⁣

After a while he felt her relax.. ⁣
Her body stopped shaking...⁣
She was still sniffing softly.. ⁣

K (whispered) : Thanni kudikereya? ⁣

He asked in her ears while gently holding her head on his chest... ⁣

She pressed her head deeper in his chest, shook 'No', while still hugging him close. ⁣

She let a huge shaky breaths few times calming herself.. ⁣

Though she stopped crying hard, tears were still falling from her already red and swollen eyes. ⁣

He pushed her face up, wiped her tears and looked at her. ⁣

K (whispered) : yen kithe sollirkelamleh... ⁣
Hmm.. ⁣
Enna achi?⁣


#pandianstores #kathirmullai #vijaytv #kathir #mullai #fanfiction #kmfanfiction #km #ps

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