Chapter 1

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It was an early cold December morning and Jessica was seeing her son of to school. Jessica hugged her son Lukas goodbye and watch him get on the bus. Halfway through the day Jessica was walking home from shopping carrying bags when she bumps into Nix and she drops the shopping

"Oops sorry my bad, I wasn't looking where I was going" Nix explained and helps her pick up her shopping bags "I am so sorry"

"Honestly it's okay" said Jess "It's only grocery shopping so nothing is broken"

Nix nods "I'm Nix I live next door to you with my Uncle. My parents died when I was younger so I had no choice to move in with my uncle"

"I'm sorry" apologised Jess

They reach Jessica's house and they enter, Nix puts the bags on the ground and helps Jessica put them in cupboards or the fridge. They sit down on the couch and watch tv until Lukas comes walking through the front door

"Hey mum" greeted Lukas

"Hey sweetie" replied Jess

"Are you make Mac and Cheese mum?" asked Lukas

"Yes and Nix is staying around for dinner too" replied Jessica "he lives next door to us with his uncle"

"Cool" answered Lukas "I'm Lukas"

"Hey Lukas" Nix said staring at Jessica

They sat at the table and start eating. Later on Lukas goes bed and Nix heads back to his, Jess goes in for a quick shower and then goes to bed. She enjoyed meeting Nix today because now her son can have someone to hang around with and be friends, Lukas walks into Jess's room

"Mum" said Lukas "dad is coming to take me fishing tomorrow so you have the whole house to yourself, mum I know why you dumped dad he cheated on you"

"Sweetie you don't have to worry about me" replied Jess "I'm fine Luke"

"I know you are mum" answered Lukas "I'm going to be fine tomorrow mum, dad won't let me down he never has"

"I know sweetie" whispered Jess "go back to bed okay"

Lukas nods and heads back to his room and goes back to bed, Jess falls asleep.

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