Chapter 10

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Lukas is left in the dark, damp, muddy woods alone scared and confused as he struggles against the ropes as he stands up and use a tree branch to get free then removes the gag, Lukas pulls out his phone and calls his dad's girlfriends son Warren

"Hey Luke what's up bro?" asked Warren

"It's my mum she is in trouble, some boy who lives next door have her and he going to rape my mum. I need help" Lukas explained

"Dude I'm on my way alright, I track your phone and I will find you" replied Warren "how old is he?"

"17" answered Lukas

"He is underage anyway to be with your mum" replied Warren "he the same age as me, I sort him out for you bro"

"Thanks I'm just worried about her" mumbled Lukas "I never seen my mum this scared before"

"Yeah, my dad was the same wouldn't let my mum leave him so he did everything to stop her then I got sent to prison for battering him even though he hurt my mum" explained Warren "anyway I'm bringing my mates Josh and Callum"

"Please just hurry up" begged Lukas "I'm terrified for my mum"

"On my way bro" shouted Warren

Lukas hangs up and gets out the woods. Lukas waited a good hour for Warren to arrive when finally a car showed up and Warren and his two mates climbed out the car

"Did he hurt you?" asked Warren

"No" said Lukas

"I hate people who rape people" replied Josh "let's get him Warren"

"Hold on, we can't just storm in there in case he hurts Lukas's mum" answered Warren

"We don't even know where they are for starters" explained Callum "so Lukas can you show us"

Lukas nods and leads them to the cabin as Warren looks at Lukas "alright, you stay out here me and my friends will go and sort him out alright" Lukas nods "good we be back soon"

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