night out

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Amanda  Pov

Brian sat my bags  on the bed. His phone  starts ringing. He picks  it up. "Hello? What? Alright, Ill take the next flight back home." He hung up. "Whats  wrong Brian?" I asked him. "Um, they  call me from the Hospital saying  they  need me." He said  picking  up his  bag. "You have  to go now?" I asked. He  nodded. "Baby Im sorry." He kisses my lips. He smiled. I smiled back a little. He Shakes  Michael's hand. "Please take care  of her for me." Brian walks out.

Michael  Pov

Theres  something weird about Brian. I know he is hiding something! Amanda Looked down. "Are you okay?" She looks up and nods.  "Yeah."

"Want to go to the club with the gang?" She nodded. "Well, Chris, my siblings, their  girlfriends and some bodyguards are coming." She smiled. She gets stuff from her bag and goes to the bathroom.

I went to my room and took  a bath. I dried my  hair  and put on a Orange shirt, Black pants. I walked  out of my room. I went downstairs. Amanda came  down behind  me. I turn  around and. She is wearing a Black short  dress, her hair curly  and White high heels. "You look  beautiful." She smiled. "Thank you Michael."

She passed  by me and hugged Janet.

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