Fields in flames

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Eredius III, farmland

Squad Usmantis had waited much longer than Hakkar had initially planned. But the sheer hope of more survivors finding their way to the wreckage had made him stay. Only two more drop troopers had found their way back to the crash site. With that 13 of Usmantis' squad had survived the emergency drop. And with the female heavy weapons lieutenant, they were 14 troopers.

The lieutenant was still in a bad shock. But at least she was walking on her own now. Trooper Tedlim had patched up her wound. And he had done a better job at it than Hakkar.

Tedlim's return had brought his extended first aid training back to the squad. Tedlim was an introverted lower hiver. The wiry man was covered in gang tattoos and scars. His rough mane was uncombed and his overall hygiene bad. But he knew how to keep his large paws disinfected as he patched up cuts, bruises and burns.

Tedlim had this "leave me alone or you'll die" kind of aura to him. However Hakkar had the impression that couldn't really be the truth. Especially since Tedlim was the team's medic with passion. And his dedication indicated a desire to save and not kill people. But non the less, Hakkar had barely managed to speak with the trooper since he had joined the squad.

Trooper Tadalia had taken the female lieutenant's place in the buggy next to Jurg. Tadalia's leg was a mess. Tedlim had already stitched her wound. But the trooper would not able to fight like this.

Tadalia carried the team's vox unit. But like Tedlium the lean woman was usually quite a silent presence. She was the only woman in the squad that had cut her hair military short. And despite that she was the one that still looked the most womanly. And her large mouth was nearly always turned up into a soft smile.

Hakkar looked over the survivors. "Can anyone fire a stubber or a launcher?"

Only empty faces stared back at Hakkar. Hakkar groaned. And then he just picked out two of the strongest looking troopers. "Riadus take the stubber, Gertra will be your ammo grunt. Mandelis, you take the missile launcher. And Fanda, grab the spare missiles. One of you, pass a carbine to the lieutenant."

"Will she even be useful?," trooper Gertra asked in her usually icy tone as she passed her rifle to the other woman.

"She can hear you," Hakkar protested. "And she's still a lieutenant. She'll get over it."

Hakkar added an 'I hope' in his mind. The lieutenant had recovered somewhat, now that she had a proper vest and carapace armor. But her eyes still looked frantic and broken. And from time to time she mumbled to herself.

"Lieutenant?" Hakkar again tried to speak with her. "What should we do? We need orders!"

"The fire...," she whispered with rough voice. "The dead..."

Breathing in heated oxygen hadn't done her much good. The rebreather had filtered out most of the smoke. But her throaty voice sounded bad. And the coughing wasn't a good sign for her lungs either. But Hakkar could not do anything for her.

"We are squad Usmantis," Hakkar addressed her again. "But lieutenant Usmantis is dead. We need leadership!"

"I can't...," she coughed out and the rifle slipped out of her shaking hands. But Hakkar couldn't even tell if that was supposed to be a reply or if she was still trapped in the nightmare in her head.

Hakkar groaned and put the weapon back into her hand. "We need every man, every woman. Ede Prime needs us! Listen, lieutenant! By the emperor, I'll lead until you recover. But I need your rifle." Hakkar took her shaking hand in his gloved one. "We'll make it!"

The lieutenant simple shook Hakkar's hands off. And when he pressed the lasgun into her hands, she again let it slip through her fingers.

"What is your name, ma'am?"

Vex Chronicles 2: OutbreakOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz