The sleepover

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"Do you remember in 10th grade when Alex fell down the steps and broke her arm"~Candace
"Ugh that again"~Alex
"You feel on your ass~Olivia
"It wasn't even funny"~Jenny

There was Uh silence for about five minutes
"Soooo I'm bored as hell"~Candace
"Spin the bottle?"~Alex
"Not everyone likes girls Alex"~Jenny
"Let's do something spooky"~Olivia
"At a sleepover gee that's a horror movie waiting too happen"~Candace
"Don't be such a baby"~Alex
"Monsters in the dark?"~Olivia
"How about light as a feather stiff as a board"~violet
"That's for kids"~Candace
"True but I know a different way"~violet
"Go on"~Olivia
"Well before I left you up I tell a story"~violet
"A story what kind?"~Candace
"About how the person being lifted is going too die"~violet
"Yes yes and yes I don't care what Candace says we are doing it"~Jenny
"Who's first"~violet
As everyone got in there positions violet began

"Olivia Richmond had everything a girl could want rich family,nice body,perfect friends...but that all changed as she flew down the highway a little too fast well by the time she saw the truck it was too late BAM ribs shattered arms crushed legs smashed hell organs all around the blue car even her head fell off her body~violet
"Light as feather stiff as broad light as a feather stiff as a broad she's dying she's dying she's dead she's dead"~Alex,Jenny,Candace,violet
During that chant I was floating in the air as if I was zero pounds but as soon they stopped I fell too the ground
"Wow that was fucked up"~Jenny
"Pretty twisted"~Olivia
"Creepy as hell"~Candace
"Uh thanks"violet
"So who's ne-"violet
My older brother henry jumped into my room
Which lead us too scream because the damm game scared us
"What the hell you dick head"~Olivia
"You fucking bitch"~Candace
"What are you guys even doing"~Henry
"None of your business"~Jenny
Henry ran out and went back too his room

"I'll go next I've always wanted too know How I'm gonna die but i swear too god if it's not better than Olivias I'll come
For you~Jenny

"Jenny Brady was a girl...was a girl....I uh..."~violet

"Do a overdose"~Candace

Jenny sat up
"I can skip you if you w-"violet
"Uh I umm"
"You know what I'll go"~Candace
Candace and Jenny switched places

"Candace Preston was always a sassy and full of life until her last moments she looked so small lying there choking nobody could help her she was going too die no matter what they say ten minutes with out oxygen can leave someone brain dead maybe Candace got lucky her heart stopped after five

We chanted and Candace who was a bit heavier than me floated

I didn't really pay attention too Alex's death but it was like drowning and her last thought was they were right I should have listened

"I will never swim again"~Alex
"Why it's not like it's real"~Jenny
After some tv and debating if damon or stefan was hotter we feel asleep

{the end}

Light as a feather {my version}Where stories live. Discover now