Candace was right

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{Candaces funeral}

Violet walked up too Candaces casket and was in tears

"What is she doing she barely knew Candace"~Jenny
"It's a funeral what do you expect Jenny"~Alex
"Guys shh"~Olivia
Violet walked and sat behind us

"I can't believe this is real"~violet

Jenny turned too violet.

"That's rich"~Jenny

"Candaces mom said Candace choked on a sleeping pill you predicted that she would choke too death"~Jenny

"That was some silly game Candace dying has nothing too do with me"~violet

Violet got up and sat next too Pete

{outside the funeral game}

"I'm starting to think Candace was right"~Alex

"Yeah me too"~Olivia

"Let's look at the facts"~Jenny
"She said Candace would choke"~Alex
"And Candace did choke"~Olivia
"Im going too talk too her"~Olivia
"What why?"~Jenny
"I'm not going too wait until I get in a car crash or Alex drowns too do something"~Olivia
"Technically if you get in the crash you'll be dead so you can't do anything"~Alex
"She's right Jenny"~Olivia
"I know b-"~Jenny

"OH MY GOD"~Alex

And then suddenly Alex passed out

"What the hell"~Jenny


And like it was I made her Alex woke up and gasped
"What happened~Jenny

"It was....McKenna"~Alex
"She she she said that we should be careful and that Candace was right violet put a death curse on us"~Alex
"What the fuck"~Olivia
"Oh my god"~Jenny
Who's McKenna you might ask she's Jenny's twin sister but she died last year due to a overdose
Which is why Jenny got mad when Candace suggested violet do a overdose for Jenny's death
"I have too go"~Alex
Alex ran away

"McKenna if you hear me help us"~Jenny

{later that week at Olivias house in her pool}
"Alex don't do it"~Jenny
"Maybe McKenna is wrong maybe Candace just died randomly so too be sure I'll just swim"~Alex
Alex was about too jump in when suddenly Henry and his very hot friends came out and started swimming
So we sat down

"Heard About your friend sucks man"~one of Henry's hot friend

"Gee thanks"Alex,Jenny,Olivia
"Uh I'm going too head home"~alex
"Noooo stay the night"~Jenny

{about too hours later}
"Do you remember our last sleepover and McKenna wore these expensive clothes"~Alex
"Not for long"~Jenny 
"Yeah because Candace spilled a whole pizza on her"~Olivia
We laughed for five minutes straight but the Alex's phone rang
"It's violet"~Alex
"Answer it"~Jenny
"Put it on speaker"~olivia
"Hey Alex I'm bored wana do something"~violet
"Like what?"~Alex
"Movie or sleepover ohhhh lets go swimming in the lake"~violet

"Can't studying"~Alex
Then Jenny got up and grab Alex's phone
And then she ended the call
"What the-"~Alex

And then alex passed out
"And then she woke up

"Was it Mack"~jenny
"Yeah she she said you shouldn't have done that~Alex
"She said we shouldn't upset violet"~Alex
"Too late for that"~Olivia

After that we went too bed well Alex and I did while Jenny hovered of Alex all though Jenny liked guys she often thought what it would be like too date Alex too marry Alex and too raise a family with Alex
{the end awww how cute of Jenny what do you think McKenna is doing if it's even her and how do you feel about this being the first chapter without Candace}

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