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Lily's pov:

I ran out of the dark alleyway, blood stained on my black skinny jeans. I located my black duffel bag with a spare outfit. My breath hitched as I comprehend what I just did. I have successfully killed 12 people in the past month that was my personal best. My blood ridden latex gloves stick to my skin with sweat. The outcome of 12 kills in one month will make me a legend in headquarters. I still can hear the man, bob Bryar according to his name tag begging for his life as I pulled out my gun, I stagger back as I pull out the clothes I picked out before I left. I feel like I have contemplated for too long, so I messily throw on my other outfit and shove the old one into my bag hastily. I heard some people talking out in the street I heard them yelling. Shit, they probably heard me kill that man. I ran out of the alleyway into the rain the headquarters were only a few miles away. As I reached the door I had to catch my breath as I was walking in. I arrived to an extravagant party (by extravagant I mean pizza and a sachet of coffee). My best friend Frank congratulated me on my 12th kill of the month. As soon as he said that the leader of this whole thing, Andy Biersack called me to meet him in this musty old room he calls an office

"12 kills, great job, Wilson" he drawled like a James Bond villain "I did my best" I replied "you're the best in the field, that you can't deny" he continued. He had his back turned to me as to act more like a Bond villain, all he needed was a cat. "Why am I here" I snapped. "Ah yes, I have your next kill" he says as he slides a file across the mouldy IKEA desk. I open the file to see a photo and a name hastily scrawled across the page:

Emerson Barrett

Devil In Disguise (Emerson barrett)Where stories live. Discover now