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I don't think someone is sad just because they want to be alone. 

Not like  alone like a hermit, but the type of periods of times where you just need your own thoughts in your mind.  Sorting through things you need to get done, how you can improve yourself, thinking of new hobbies to do.  

Theres just something so  relaxing to the thought of waking up in the morning before anyone is awake and just walking down the road.  Not having to listen to girls talk about what makeup you should wear, how many follower or likes they have.  

I'll never understand the obsession of wanting people seeing my life all the time.  Constantly refreshing a screen just to watch some numbers.  Fuck that.  

I like reading,escaping this world and living in another.  Maybe thats my personal social media obsession.  That instead of having an this craze about how you look or caring what people think about you.  It's a craze of how you can escape that type of thinking and enjoy just the art of words.  

And not just words,  being alone just in nature, looking at a tree and thinking of the life behind that tree and how many years it took before it could be as strong and tall as is now.  Looking at a little patch of clovers in your yards trying to find one with four leaves, picking small yellow flowers to put in your hair.  I love when birds fly by singing, its one of the most beautiful sounds.  

Then you can be in your own thoughts.  

I wish people could be self aware of how out of touch.  I guess the reason I like to be alone is because when I'm with people, it feels like I'm not with them.  Technology taking over basic human interactions.  

I'd rather sit and listen to the birds.

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