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rule #1:
this rule deserves an entire rule set. don't overdo it with the depression, depression is not a character trait and the lot of you don't know what you're doing when you write about it. this doesn't mean you're not allowed to have depressed characters, it means you need to know what the hell you're talking about when you do.

rule #2:
we all have flaws, including your characters. when you give your characters flaws, ask yourself, "is this flaw secretly a positive?" when you make you're character kind and "naive" are you really giving her "naive" as a flaw? or as a way to further her cute aesthetic? if the answer is yes, give me a better one.

rule #3;
please ensure that you refer to your character by their name so that i don't forget it

rule #4:
yes. i sound bitchy and nonchalant, we both know it, don't pretend i don't, but be nice anyway, because i'm nice too lowkey /gen /srs

rule #5:
look. be FAIR. i'm not gonna ask for one male and one female, or one top or one bottom, i'll ask you to  choose two characters and keep the energy you give me with one character with the other. you and i will both know when you don't and i'm not just gonna deal with it.

rule #6:
i love smut, but wattpad only does under certain problematic circumstances, so we'll have to take it to pms

rule #7:
i do not do gxg, it's very dysphoria-inducing for me. i genuinely apologize for this, but i can do any other pairing.

rule #8:
this is a descriptive roleplay, but we all stagger sometimes, and sometimes we don't feel like writing paragraphs, that's okay. semi-lit to advanced-lit, but i'm quite flexible, really. as long as they're not one-liners or even worse, two-worders, i'll tell you if i can make do.

rule #9:
please try to understand that i am not my characters, and that my characters aren't always very good people. if i especially like you and/or your character, i may not want to show you the full extent of that, but i'll have to. so don't get mad at me for what they do, i usually feel sorry enough. also, don't curse my characters out outside of the roleplay if we're not friends or you're not doing it playfully. that irks me.

rule #10:
do your research, know what you're talking about. don't hit me with mentally ill characters if you're not thoroughly understanding on how to portray them.

rule #11:
my characters are mine and yours are yours. don't control my character, or introduce a side character that you're expecting me to play. also, if i introduce a side character, don't play them.

rule #12:
advocate for yourself, i don't magically know what you want, how you feel, or anything like that, communicate with me. if you know something triggers you and there isn't a warning for it, ask before we start to ensure it doesn't pop up and i forget to mention it. tell me what plots you like and what kind of roleplays you want, i can't read your mind, but i can certainly hear you out.

rule #13:
have fun, babe. seriously, i know i sound kinda mean and bitchy, but i want us both to enjoy this.

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