٩( ᐛ )و Part 11: Billory ٩( ᐛ )و

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"It's okay, Billy," Mallory cooed. "They're just being stupid. I think we need to be on guard. Mickey Mouse may come back to steal Tibby."

"We're the smarter ones, right?" Billy sniffled.

"Yeah. I think. I dunno I'm not smart."

"Oh because that's reassuring."

"Do you feel any better?"

"Yes baby- I mean Mallory." 



Billy loved Mallory. He wanted to confess so bad, but no-one knew he was gay other than Tibby. "Yeah nah I don't think Mallory's straight either dude," Tibby shrugged.

"But does he love me?"

"Maybe, I dunno."

Mickey burst in. "I KNEW IT!!!" she shouted.

"Knew what?" Billy asked.

With a smirk, Mickey whispered to him, "That you're gay."


"Oh come on! You just... you have those gay vibes! And I am all for same-sex relationships. Also I was eavesdropping on your conversation."

"Mickey!" Billy balled up his fists and attempted to throw a punch.

Mickey dodged. "I totally ship Billory," she said before skipping out of the room.

"Hey Laura?" Mallory asked his housemate.

"Yeah?" Laura replied, sitting down with her coffee.

"I think... I think I'm crushing on Billy."

"On Billy? Of all peop- actually, you're Mallory. I wouldn't expect anything else."

"Okay, that's rude to both me and Billy. Just remember that I can snap your wrist."

"Ha, I'd like to see you try."

Mallory crossed his arms. "I'm too nice to do that to you though," he pouted.

The front door burst open. "MALLORY, ARE YOU GAY?!" Em Pegg exclaimed.



"What if I said yes?"

"Then I'd say, 'MICKEY, IT IS A YES!'"

Mickey appeared. "Okay. Step one is complete," she said.

"For what?" Laura raised an eyebrow.

"Em, back to base."

"How are we going to get them to confess?" Em asked as she and Mickey entered Mickey's bedroom.

"That is a question... that I can answer. Kind of. It isn't up to us," Mickey replied.

"Oh of course. Hey yo author!"

The author smashed the bedroom window and peered in. "Sup dishes what do you want? I'm eating food," the author frowned, holding up Vegemite toast because the author is a proud Aussie.

"How do we get Billy and Mallory to hook up?" Mickey asked.

"I dunno, this isn't planned at all, um... I guess something will happen. Ur... here's some fairy bread."

A plate of white bread with butter and sprinkles popped into existence.

"What?" Em Pegg scrunched up her nose in confusion.

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