Chapter 1

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Jinxx's pov

What happened last night? I ask myself. I sit up in my bunk and look around. I heard someone talking. I get out of my bunk an start walking towards the front of the bus. I see Ashley passed out on the couch with some chick.

I feel an aching feeling in my head. "Fuck." I mumble. I started walking over to a cabinet to get some aspirin. I hear someone else getting up. I look over to see it's Andy. He looks over at me and smiles. "Hey could you get me some of those?" He asks. "Sure. What the hell happened last night?" I ask. I handed him the aspirin and a small glass of water. "Thanks." He pauses for a second, then continues, "We had a party last night and we all got drunk." I give him a weak smile then take the aspirin in my hand.

"Fuck, I have a killer head ache." We looked over to see Jake. "Here, take these." I hand him the aspirin and a glass of water. He gladly accepts them. "Thanks dude." He says then smiles at me. "No problem. Now let's wake up Ash and CC." I said, a devilish grin rising to my lips. "What do you want to do?" Andy asks with confusion laced in his voice.

I let out an evil sounding laugh. "I say we antique them." Jake patted my back "I like the way you think, Mr.Ferguson, I like the way you think." I blushed a little at his comment. "Andy you up for antiquing the guys?" Jake asks. "Hell ya!" He replied.

"Jinxx you get the baby powder and I will make sure that the guys don't wake up." Jake said. "Wait what about the chick with ash?" Andy asks. "Let's antique her too, the more the merrier." He replies with a tone of evil.

I run to the bathroom to get the powder to see we don't have any. "Shit " I mumble under my breath. I run back to Jake and Andy. "Guys we don't have any baby powder." I say. "Looks like we will have to improvise with." He thought for a second. "Flour." Andy completed his sentence. "Yes flour, that is what we will use." Jake nodded agreeing with himself.

I power walked to the kitchen and grabbed the flour. I walked back to Jake and Andy. "Got it." I said. Jake grabbed the flour from me and walked over to Ash. He began to gently pour the powder on his face. Then did the same to the chick. We watched them to see what they would do, they did nothing just laid there. "Okay, welp that was a waste." Andy trailed off. We walked to CC's bunk hoping to get something out of him.

"Just look at him sleeping. Well not for long bitch." Jake said. He let Andy pour the flour on him. We tried to hold our laughter back, but failed...miserably. Cc shot up in his bunk and hit his head, causing us to laugh even harder. "WHAT THE HELL!" Cc yelled. We started to run in fear Cc was going to kill us.

I was in front of every one else, when I saw Ash a head of me. "Watch out!" I yelled at Ash. I ran into him, knocking him to the floor. I landed on top of him. When I noticed what I was doing I blushed and got off if him "S-sorry dude." I mumbled. "It's fine." He said patting my back. About the time Andy and Jake got to us.

Cc looked pissed and Jake and Andy looked like they were going to pee themselves from laughing so hard. The random chick appeared next to Ash.

"Who the hell are you?" She questioned in a bitchy tone. "Well that is Jinxx, that is Andy, that is jake, and that is CC." Ash motioned to all of us as he said our names. "Who the hell did this to my face?" She asked. No one replied, I think it was obvious who did it. "Well since everyone is being an ass I'm washing this shit off my face then leaving. "Don't forget to wash the bitch off your face!" Jake yelled. "And Don't wash wash your fake tan off!" I yelled. All of us were laughing. "Fuck you!" She yelled. We continued to laugh.

"I'm going to wash this off my face now." CC said. "Same" Ash commented. Both of them started walking towards the kitchen. "That was fun." I said wiping off the tears on my face. "Yeah it was wasn't it?" Andy said doing the same as me.

The chick walked past us. "Have fun on your journey, Cheese puff." Andy said. She turned around, rolled her eyes and gave us the bird. "Looks like someone forgot to wash the bitch off of her face." Jake replied. We laughed at his comment

Ash an Cc walked back in the room. "So what now?" Andy asked. "We could play call of duty?" I suggested. We all agreed and that was basically how we spent our day.

So first chapter is done. How do you like it?

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