• Chapter 4 •

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Song: Snowflake - Jason Chen

"I don't need a lot of good or valuable things in life. I don't need gifts or even wished for snow. I just wanted her to be safe and happy. That's all I ever wished for."
~ A Nutcracker's Wish

As the two continues on their journey, they stumbled upon a village which felt all Christmas-y because of its festive decorations. Font walked ahead of Frisk before welcoming her with open arms.

"Welcome to my home village, Snowdin." He cheered as Frisk tilted her head, which makes her adorable in Font's eyes.

"Was that a... pun?" Font just held a chuckle before shrugging. "Nah, it's literally the towns name. Trust me." He said as Frisk nodded, still not convinced.

They walked in the village until Frisk felt a bump on her lower limb. She looked down and saw a kid in yellow and brown sweater, rubbing his head out. He was about the age of 8 based on his height and kiddy aura.

"You alright, little guy?" Frisk asked, kneeling down in front of the kid. He looked up at her and bring out his brightest, cutest smile Frisk could have ever since.

"I'm alright! Thank you!" He said as Frisk smiled. She stood up and pulled the kid up to his feet.

"What's your name?"

"I like calling myself Monster Kid!" He smiled cheekily. Frisk smiled "I'm Frisk and that's Font." She pointed at the nutcracker behind her. Font nervously waved at the kid who gave him a skeptical look. He shrugged and dusted himself up as he heard someone shouting his name from behind. He looked behind and saw his friend, Napstablook.

"Napstablook! Hey!" He wave as Napstablook waved back. He was fairly white. As in pretty white, with a touch of black. He has grayish-white hair with blue tips, wore a white jacket with black sleeves, and a black headset around his neck.

Napstablook saw Frisk and Font and shyly waved at them. Monster Kid turned to them. "Don't worry, he's just shy." He said as Font grinned at him.

"Hey little fella. I'm Font, nice to meet ya' kiddo." He said and pulled up a fist. Napstablook hesitates a bit before pulling up his fist and bumped it into Font's. Font grinned as Napstablook slowly smiled. Although it didn't last long as the grin slowly turns into a frown. Font look at him confused.

"You okay, little buddy?" He asked as Napstablook kept quiet.

"Prince... Prince Sans is missing."

Font then felt shock and hesitant a bit. Frisk walked behind him alongside Monster Kid "Prince Sans? You mean the son of the Evil King?" Napstablook nodded.

"Nobody knew how or where he went. He just... disappeared." He said as Font still kept quiet.

"How long had he been missing?" She asked as Napstablook continues.

"About two days by now."

The group went quiet at the sudden news before Font stood up and break the silence.

"Alright, why don't you two head insides. It's getting a bit dark. Don't want your mothers get worried for you two." Despite the kids' whine, they obliged and went back to their own houses. Font then look at Frisk whose still deep into thought.

"You alright?" He asked as Frisk broke her thoughts with a smile.

"Yes yes. I'm fine." Not convinced by her answers, Font let it slides.

As the two started walking, footsteps were heard making the two stopped on their tracks. Font took a defensive stance in front of Frisk and pulled out his sword. Frisk pulled out a determined face, and readied her fists. Her instincts were telling her that it's going to be the Evil King's army looking for them.

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