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When the gates finally open some men take our horses and then I hear the gasps. I know they are for the wolves as they can't see me yet.
I hear a familiar voice boom out, Kane's the years are catching up to him ' who is your leader' my men step aside and Aurora sits.
'I am' there are more gasp this time at my scars covering 85% percent of my body and the dried blood all down my arm.
" my name is Kane"
" I know who you are my name is Wanheda but you may know me as Clarke Griffin"
I continue to stare at Kane and I see him flinch at my old name. ' you had asked for a medic to help in child birth and you have received the best however it is bold of you to demand our help after you cut communication off for 5 years' his eyes lower to the ground like many others do in shame. I can see tears rolling down my mother's weary cheeks and many others looking as if the have seen a ghost.
Time drags on and Kane does not speak neither looks me in the face. I hear a whisper no louder the my wolfs steps I turn to see the people I killed for looking at me as if I rose from the dead. " when you stop communicating I was held prisoner for 3 years I was cut, sliced experimented on and I had nothing none of you cared if I was dead or breathing. i thought the people I killed for would do the same for guess I was wrong" I look at them " when I finally was allowed to breath fresh air again I was raped. Then thrown into a fighting pit for who would be queen. After 3 months we realised that I was pregnant with twins boy and a girl we predicted. The boy was going to be named Jake and the girl was going to be Aurora after my best friend and co leaders mother but that too was taken away from me I was stabbed in the stomach saving Madi and stopping them from attacking Skaikru. That killed them but now I cant have children at all." I pause to see Kane in tears still looking at the ground and my anger bubbles I reefs Kane's head so he can look at me and I yell my voice filled with pain " I died twice saving Skaikru I killed to save my people, you sent me to be your representative in a correlation you fought so hard for. Look at what you have done... Kane you, and everyone here broke me but I still saved you." I release Kane's face and it is already starting to turn purple. Was I holding him that hard ? I turn to my friends and shake my head before turning away and the first time I hear my mothers voice " your hurt Clarke please let me help you" I flinch at my name and turn to my mother
" I told you my name is Wanheda commander of death and I don't want your help you left me and plus I have been through worse, mother" my voice no longer wavers and hatred drips off my tongue As I walk off to medical.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 23, 2019 ⏰

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