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She didn't mean to break it.

She had tried desperately to heal the broken pieces, to refill the cracks that stared solemnly back at her. But the hot liquid that fell from gaping wounds in her hands only proved that the fragile, cold material had no intent of putting itself back together, no matter how hard she tried.

The sound it had made as it shattered still rung clearly through her head, the tormenting ghost of failed promises and trust that would now cruelly mimick the broken body before her. She had known she couldn't fix it, as soon as she broke it she knew... but still she tried and tried in vain, grateful for the focusing pain brought on by the sharp edges that sliced so easily through her paper skin; revenge.

And yet, even as it lay there, fragile and destroyed by simple carelessness — nothing more — she couldn't help but admire its beauty through her own maliciously salted tears. She wished she would have cherished it whilst it was still whole... still alive. Looked at its soft curves and glassy skin with kinder eyes and seen that it wasn't as undeserving of love as her mind had initially screamed it to be. She wanted it now, beautiful and solid and alive, she wanted it with her whole heart.

But it was gone; a missed opportunity. An unappreciated necessity. An entirely undeserved yet completely unfaltering affection that would never be put back together.

She had never meant to break herself.

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