Touch My Hair

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Cut it.

Cut it, they had said. Let it fall to the ground as golden waves and watch as it curls into nothing more than a fragile memory.

Erase him.

After all, enough time has gone by and I need to accept that the past isn't coming back for me.

Ever...? Never.

But I don't want to let go of it. I can't. If I close my eyes, I can still feel the ghost of his fingers trailing over my skin, burning his long-dead affection into my scalp like ignorantly cruel iron rods dipped in hostile love.

Damage deeper... please.

I reached up to run my own cold hands through the strands that clung so desperately to my head; pleading to stay. To remember. His hands were softer than mine now were, infinitely kinder too.

Had he ever meant to scar me so badly?


He must have, I knew, from the way his eyes sparked in glee at each of our wordless passings. How he'd never hold back a ruthlessly radiant grin whenever he knew that I was looking.

Yes, he knew he was still hurting me, but we both know that I deserve it.

So I can't cut it.

Not yet. I will wait until the strands turn grey with age and fall from my form as slowly, my life and his touch fade from me.

But until then, I need it to keep hurting. Keep reminding. They don't understand — Hell, I don't think he even understands what's he's done. It doesn't matter really.

Can't cut it.

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