Quick Announcement + Thanks

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Hello guys and girls, it's me, the author who can't seem to write stories the right way.

I just have a few quick things I wanna say to you all.

First of all, thanks you all so much for all the support with this story! It really means a lot to me! With that being said, I hope to edit/revamp some of the older chapters to correct grammatical errors and to make it less cringey and in character (I find no shortage of slight out of character behaviors in the earlier chapters, trust me.)

But truly, thank you for all the support you guys have given me over the years! I hope to keep updating in the future.

Another thing as well.

I am currently working on an original story on my alternative account ColdCalamity . I am currently working on a story called Diane, which is about a young boy and a wolf (no it's not Lumine). If anyone is interested in reading it, it is the first and only book on that alternative profile. Any feedback would be appreciated with it, whether if something is wordy or if there are punctuation or grammatical errors.

That's all! Thank you all! :)

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