Rocking Phil

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Dan walks slowly stalking his crush Phil's instagram likeing and commenting on every photo. When he steps outside into the cool weather of Egland he runs into someone and spills his coffee from starbucks. He looks up angerly and says

"what the hell watch where you are going dumbass"

The stranger looks up and Dan notices that it is his crush Phil.

"Phil oh my god I am so sorry" says Dan giving Phil a hand up.

Phil grabs Dan's hand and Dan pulls Phil up on his feet.

"would you like to grab some coffee" says Dan.

"sure" says Dan.

Dan fills with joy and exciteabley grabs Phil's hand and drags him to the starbucks in the shopping center.

Dan and Phil sit down at a table and talk about life and how Dan loves Phil's instagram and youtube.

"you know what your pretty cool want to comeover and do a video with me" says Phil

"FUCK YEA" shouts Dan

Once they are done Phil gives Dan his phone number and they hug goodbye. Dn walks home practicly skipping and humming. Dan gets home and sits down on his sofa and text Phil. After an hour of Dan daydreaming of Phil and him dating he awoken by the text from Phil and he eagerly sits up and responds. After that whole night of Dan and Phil texting Dan falls asleep and dreams about Phil


Thanks for reading check out my instagram at scrumptious_keith and I will continue on to chapter 2 if you guys would like I am always looking at comments and suggestions. 

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