Chapter Three

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I stood with Eugene on the balcony.

"She'll be eighteen tomorrow," I said.

"Maybe a handsome thief will come along, she'll steal what he stole, and they'll make a deal for him to bring her to see the lanterns," Eugene said.

I couldn't help but laugh. "I hope so," I said.

When will her life begin? I thought to myself.


There came a knock on my door.

"Do you want to build a snowman?" I heard Anna's voice from the other side.

I chuckled as I opened the door.

"Don't shut me out again," Anna said, making a pouting face.

"I'm not shutting you out," I said and smiled. Then I sighed. "It's just, tomorrow's Madelyn's birthday and Rapunzel thinks they're together and they're setting off the lanterns. It's just-" I broke off.

"Too much?" Anna offered.

"Yeah," I said.

Anna looked at the floor, not knowing what to say.

She looked backed up at me with a shocked, hurt face when she noticed I was wearing gloves again.

"Oh, Elsa," she sighed.

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