Chapter Eleven

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I leaned my head against Hawke's shoulder. I watched Noelle below. All the dancers had stopped dancing and were watching expectantly at the sky. Noelle stood with a new friend.

"Madelyn, look," Hawke whispered the same time a collective gasp went up from the people in the streets.

I looked where Hawke was pointing to see a solitary lantern floating up into the sky. As I watched the lone light, from the edges of my vision I saw lanterns raise from the streets, the boats, and other roofs. The night sky filled with the lanterns.

"It's breathtaking," Hawke whispered.

"Now I see why you wanted to see this so badly," I whispered in reply.

"I think I'll come back next year," he said, "if I don't stay here. You know, I've been traveling my whole life, not because I don't belong anywhere, but because I want to find the place where I want to belong, and-"

"You've found it," I said, sighing.

"And I think I also found who I want to belong with," he said.

I turned to look at him, my mouth slightly open in surprise. My eyes met his and suddenly his lips were against mine. I melted into him, throwing my arms around his neck.

"Me too," I whispered against his lips. I felt him smile.

The moment was horribly short-lived because all of a sudden, the wailing from the woods interrupted the peaceful beauty of the night sky filled with the lanterns. Blackness filled the sky and all the lanterns went out, their carcasses falling down on their audience.

"The evil spirit," Hawke gasped the same time I whispered,


"Mother?!" He bewilderedly asked me.

"There's a reason we escaped," I whispered.

Instead of being horrified and leaving me here alone like I expected him too, Hawke pulled a knife out of his satchel and moved to protect me. I noticed Noelle holding her frying pan in a defensive position. I noticed the crowd screaming and running and falling into chaos. I noticed two absolutely still figures on the castle balcony.

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