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         It has been two weeks since I had first texted ross, and four days since he has moved in.

One thing I could say?
God damn. He is so fine. I don't know what it is about him...

His hair?
His lips?
His eyes?

Or maybe it's the fact that he refuses to have a genuine conversation with me.

Ah yes, that.

When he moved in I tried to talk to him about his job again, and he declined  to answer me.

Like god, what is he? A stripper?

There is just something about him, though.

Is it the way he carries himself? The way he just seems not to care? The way he dresses?

I may never know.

I heard light knocking at my door.

My heart rate slightly sped up. Was Ross trying to have a conversation with me?

I quickly scanned my body. I was just wearing sweatpants and a tube top, but I guess I can't change now.

"Come in." I softly said.

I slowly twisted my door knob and I looked up at him to give him my full attention.

His head peaked through my door and my lips curved into a small smile.

After his head, so did his hand and his phone. "I'm ordering pizza. Any suggestions?" My smile slightly faltered. I want to talk to him so bad.

"Yeah, um.." I licked my lips quickly and gulped down saliva in my mouth.

I touched my cheeks as they began to feel hot, but luckily he didn't notice. "Is plain okay?" I asked.

"Yeah that's fine I'll just order half." He nodded.

"Thank you." I smiled.

He closed the door without speaking. I let out a sigh I didn't know I was holding in.

I need to get over this silly crush. The only thing to him is his attractiveness. That is it.

I rolled onto my stomach and opened my MacBook to FaceTime Quinn.

After a few rings she answered.

"Hi!" She dragged.

"Hey." I smiled. "What are you doing?" I asked.

"I'm watching euphoria. God, it's intense. I like it." She smiled.

"Cool. What scene are you on?" I asked.

She pointed her phone towards the television.

"I'm on the part where cat looses her virginity at a party." I nodded my head.

"Speaking of virginities, when are you loosing yours?" She asked as she shoved popcorn in her mouth.

I quickly moved my computer and put it's volume down incase Ross didn't move too far from my door yet.

"Um, don't know. I'm not really that worried about it." I brushed off.

"Are you sure?" She asked.

"Well...I mean I'm older now  and I'd like to loose it someday since I don't really care about it anymore." I shrugged.

Quinn hummed. "I could hook you up with my friends." She nodded.

I quickly shook my head. "Please, I understand that I am grown and I don't care about who I loose my virginity to anymore, but it has to be anyone other than your douche boy, friends."

"Like Ross?" She proposed.

I thought for a second.

"I would be down for Ross.  But I don't know him that well,  he's too out of my league, and I'm too inexperienced."

"I don't really care who I loose my virginity to at this point. I just want it to be pleasurable. I just want a normal sex life."

"It's gonna be Ross." Quinn hummed.

"Yeah, maybe." I shrugged off.

I heard soft knocks at my door. Oh no. Did he hear that?

I smiled anxiously and looked at my screen at Quinn for emotional support, but she had on a poker face.

Damn her.

Quinn immediately said nothing and started at me.

"Is that him?" She mouthed. I nodded my head.

She covered her mouth to stifle her laugh that was threatening to come out. "No! Mute yourself," I whispered.

"Come in." I quietly said.

"The pizza is here." Ross quietly said as he was eating a pizza slice.

I quietly nodded my head. "Thank you.
Dinners on me next time." I smiled as normally as I could through my nerves. Ross nodded and turned around to close the door and I noticed something.

A smirk on his face. Oh god no.

He closed my door and I stared at Quinn in horror. "I think he heard that." I whispered as I facepalmed myself.

Quinn started hysterically laughing at me. "Shut up whore. Fuck you. You mad, you're mad as fuck." I swore but it only made her laugh harder.

"Jesus Quinn, I gotta go." I shook my head. I closed my laptop and timidly walked out of my room.

Roommates; Ross LynchWhere stories live. Discover now