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Naruto's POV(2years):

Again I was beaten to the brick of death and and was given a slap to the face by Kushina for "lying" on the villagers. My sisters laugh at my demise and my father doesn't care. What a happy family, right? I go to my room witch only has a bed,table and a bookshelf, locked the door and layed on the bed. Closing my eyes and going to sleep.

Waking up in a sewer. Being the curious boy I am I walk around and find a big cage with a giant tail sticking out of it. So, I hug it. Now I know what you're thinking, Why the hell would hug a GIANT TAIL??!?! I'm a 2 year old, we do stupid things like hug big tails.
"What the hell?!" But when it turned around his eyes softened and he rapped his tail around my waist and picked me up. "Kit you shouldn't hug a random tail like that." "Sworry Miwster f-fox. It just look fuffy." "It's alright but don't do it again." I nodded and smiled a genuine smile. "So Wat you name?" "My name is Kurama " "Can I call you Kura-nii or kuu?" "You know I'm the kuubi?!" Kurama said with a surprised expression, I was a bit confused though. How could I not know you were the nine tailed fox if you were the only giant fox in this freaking world I wanted to yell but I keep my cool and said "Everyone said you were a giant fox so I guessed you were the kuubi." "By the way are you a boy or a girl?" I asked tilting my head. "I'm a girl" she smiled

"Do you perhaps want me to train you?" Kura-nii asked putting me down and changing into a girl that looked around my age with bright red hair,crimson eyes and a bright yellow sun dress. I nodded softly before she asked me if I knew charka control. Shaking my head kura-nii sat down motioning me to sit down with her. "Charka is a form energy. It's a combination between spiritual energy, and physical energy. Chakra allows the human body to perform extraordinary actions like walking on water,tree walking, and jutsu." Kura-nii said leaning against the wall.

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