Award Show

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Work picked up for Sofia right after coming back home from Mexico. She began to film a television show on the Warner Brother's lot 5 out of 7 days a week for about 12 hours a day, if not more. On weekends, she was off to events or holed up in her room reading all of the different scripts that were sent to her. 

The situation with Bucky didn't get any better. There was no time to sit and talk to about what had happened. Whenever she had free time he was busy and vice versa. She just wanted to talk to Bucky like she used to-no feelings involved. 

"Are you sitting down?" Peggy exclaimed, jumping on the other end of the line.

"Yes," Sofia chuckled, holding the phone in the air since it was on speaker.

Award season was about to start up; the Golden Globes was the first show up. Sofia had filmed a movie the year before that was in talks for award season but she wasn't so sure about it so she didn't pay much attention to the talk about it.

Sofia locked eyes with Bucky who was sitting on the couch across from her sending him a small smile. He smiled back and she felt warm inside. That was a start; maybe it wasn't as bad as she thought it was.

"Spit it out!" Natasha cried, impatient as ever trying to grab the iPhone out of Sofia's hands.


Sofia's mouth fell open and her body buzzed frantically. Although she had been in the business for a while she had never been nominated for such a prestigious award. Natasha whooped and Bucky smiled from ear to ear, clapping loudly for her. Sofia's eyes watered as she heard her name being repeated on the other line.

"She's alive!" Natasha grabbed the phone out of her friend's hand. "I think she's just in shock. She hasn't moved in a minute. Should I kick her in the shin?"

Sofia snapped out of her trance and raised a brow at the redhead who smirked at her. "Don't you think about it!"

They all celebrated some more, wishing out loud that Peggy wasn't stuck in an office in the middle of Los Angeles so that they could all go out and get a drink after Sofia wrapped up the day at the lot. But Peggy promised that on Friday night they would go out and have a nice dinner.

Sofia held her to the promise and once she hung up, Sofia finally let out an ear-shattering squeal she had been holding in for the past couple of minutes. Natasha threw her arms around the brunette, congratulating her yet again and telling her how proud she was of her and that she was definitely going to win it.

"I'm up against Meryl Streep though!" Sofia cried, her hands already shaking at the thought of it.

"So?" Natasha pulled away, placing a hand on her hip. "I think she's won enough times. Sharing is caring."

"Nat!" Sofia laughed, shaking her head at the redhead.

"Bucky," Natasha started, turning on her heel to face the man. "You're about to be a Golden Globe winner's bodyguard. How do you feel?"

"Oh my, God!" Sofia stood up from the makeup chair and threw her arm around Natasha's shoulders. "Cut it out. You're making me more nervous than I should be."

The filming of Sofia's TV show came to a quick break over the holidays and wouldn't pick up again until after New Years'. Then, a couple of days later she would be off to the Golden Globes as a nominee. The days leading up to it were nerve-wracking as she was pulled back and forth to different types of events for awards.

Bucky, Natasha, and Peggy tagged along of course. There was no way Sofia wasn't going to go without them. They took pictures, drank alcohol, and ate fancy food at every event they went to. They were having fun; Sofia and Bucky were slowly but surely getting comfortable with each other a bit more each and every day.

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