13)Movie Night

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I heard a knock on the door. I got really nervous, it was the first time that I met the whole band. I had met what's-his-face, he hasn't told me his name but he was nice.

"Hey guys come on in! " I said opening the door.

"Yah Jung Shin, you were right. She is really pretty." Jong Hyun said making me blush a bit.

"She's just my type." followed Min Hyuk.

At this point I was I was as red as a strawberry.

"Yah! She's my girlfriend, so stop hitting on her!" Yong Hwa said defensively.

"Ohhhh mianhae hyung. Sorry." Min Hyuk quickly responded.

Hmmmmm girlfriend ayyye. That sounded nice, real nice. I was still lingering on the thought of girlfriend when Yong Hwa kissed me on the cheek after having changed his shoes. For those who do not know, in Korea it is seen as rude to walk into somebody's home with your shoes on, so it is customary to have extra pairs of slippers in the "shoe closet" which is before the actual entrance.

It was it if the blue, yet it felt so right.

"So now is introduction time. " Yong Hwa announced like the great MC he is.

"Annyeonghaseyeo, I'm the maknae youngest of the group Jung Shin. It's my pleasure to see you again." He said with a wink. Yong Hwa pretend to slap him and made the cute tssk sound. Men from Busan are so feisty!

"So I'm guessing it's my turn, I'm Jong Hyun." he said simply but sweetly.

"And now for the one with the all kill looks, the one that all the virus call for. .... Min Hyuk!!!" He said with an announcers voice. They all turned around and smacked him.

"It's a pleasure to meet you all. Please have a seat and feel at home, even though it is just a hotel suite."

"Thanks!" they said simultaneously.

"So I brought a couple of movies because I want sure which one you wanted to watch." Yong Hwa said.

Within the pile of movies that he brought were; The Huntresses, Secretly Greatly, Steal my Heart, and Attack on the Pin-Up Boys.

I along with Min Hyuk and Jung Shin decided on Secretly Greatly. They wanted to watch it because it had tons of action. I however wanted to watch it because it had Kim Soo Hyun shirtless teehee.

"No! That's not how it's supposed to end!" I yelled at the end

"What's wrong with that ending." added Jong Hyun.

"That's exactly why I didn't want to watch it to begin with." scolded Yong Hwa. "Ar-Are you crying?" Yong Hwa said directing towards me.

"Psh n-no." My lie being revealed by a tear on my cheek. You would cry too if you saw it. Warning *Spoiler Alert* for Secretly Greatly.

"Oppa, why did he have to die, why did they all have to die. Why?" my crying becoming more obvious.

"Awwwww she's crying, how cute! " the members began teasing.

I wiped my tears off in the restroom and went back in the living room to join the conversation.

"Yo, it's late!" Said Min Hyuk looking at the time on his cell phone that read 11:47, "I'll be going now."

"Yeah, let's give them some privacy." added Jong Hyun.

"So, I'm guessing I won't see you until tomorrow?" freaking Jung Shin said.

Yong Hwa chased Jung Shin ready to snack him but Jung Shin quickly ran out the door and caught up to the other two.

"Yah! Hey!....." Yong Hwa yelled out the door. He then closed the door. "Aigoo, chashik." My goodness, this punk.

He sat down right next to me, making me feel really nervous. I mean he is my boyfriend after all and we're kinda of in a hotel room so....... I gulped really loud just at the thought of you know.....

"What's wrong?" he asked

"Nothing....." I said as if avoiding the question.

"Ok, so you know how I told you that we might hire you right?

"Oh that's right. So what happened, I didn't even go for an interview." I said completely forgetting the other subject.

"Okay so don't get mad but before your sister left I asked her if she could please get me a song that was written by you. She said you had a whole notebook full. So I asked for one not the best one, but not the worst one either, not that you write bad songs or anything. But I wanted one in between so that you could impress the production team in the future as well as the president. What would you do without this smart handsome boyfriend of yours, don't answer me just yet lemme finish the story. Anywho I recorded the song presented it to the president and he liked it and now he wants to see you tomorrow at 9." He said finally catching his breath.

"Aigoo." I said grabbing one of his cheeks. "What would I do without my cool namchin" shortened version of boyfriend.

"That's what I said. " he said boastfully. "So what do I deserve?" He asked pointing at his cheek. A kiss on the cheek won't hurt anybody right?

I went in for the kiss on the cheek when he turned around making me kiss him on his soft moist lips. At first it was just a peck. But he began moving his lips, putting a passionate rhythm to the movement of our lips. At first I was hesitant, then I just submitted to what I was feeling at the moment. He got up standing me up with him. And we walked into the bedroom, still not letting go. He took off his shirt and laid me down under him, his arms supporting himself so that he wasn't putting all his weight on me. The kiss was only getting stronger. He began lifting my shirt up when....

"Wait! I'm not ready!" I screamed.

He looked at me in the eyes looking kind of annoyed, then he rolled over next to me. We stayed like that, awkwardly, for about 5 minutes. He rolled over facing me, and studied my face. At this point I'm pretty nervous, you know he still had his shirt off and we're on a bed.

"Wow." He said with an amazed voice. At this point I don't know if he's being sarcastic or not. "I have the best girlfriend in the world."

"Huh?" I said, obviously confused.

"She's pretty, smart, kind, innocent....(He made sure to put stress on innocent as if he was still annoyed, must've hurt his boys ;)) "what else..... she's just perfect." He said. He must've realized that I felt bad.

He then pulled the sheets and blankets over us and plopped his leg over my thighs. He slithered his arms around my waist and muttered, "I love how your so different from all the other girls, don't feel bad about you know..... that makes me love you even more."

"Thank you for understanding." I said weaving my fingers into his jet black hair.

"For today, until you're ready, until you give me the go, whenever that'll be, maybe after marriage..."

"Marriage!?"I said interupting him.

"Yes marriage, until then I'll wait for when you're ready. In the meantime, let's just stay like this." He said with that sexy,husky voice of his. "Just sleep, don't worry I won't do anything that you don't want, just sheep and I'll protect you through the night." He said as he tightened his grip on my waist.

"I really love you you know that?" I said.

"I love you too." He said and before I knew it, he was snoring.

Life of a k - pop star (Yong Hwa/VIXX fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now