20) Single?

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~One week later~

Carolina's P.O.V 

This time around there was no crazy PD Kim that was trying to assault me and I didn't end up in the hospital, so I considered this a good sign.

"Hello,  I'm here for my appointment at 11." I reminded the secretary.

"Yes.  Good morning Ms. Soler. The president and the casting team are waiting for you up in room 2B here's a pass to get through security and to open the door." She replied much kinder than the FNC secretary.

Just to get into the elevator, I had to show the pass to the security guarding it. I went up to the second floor and found room 2B. I had to place my pass to a sensor in order to open the door, just like in the movies I thought. When I walked into the room and found 7 pairs of eyes staring at me. One of them belonged to the old man I had helped on the street.

"Oh ajussi, annyeonghaseyeo, jalchinseyeo? Oh neighborhood mister, hello, have you been well? " I said as I bowed 90 degrees.

"Who do you think you're calling ajussi, that's the president paboniya dummy?" The darker one of the group asked.

"Yah hey, Hakyeon, that person you just called dumb saved my life! She should be the one to call you dumb!" The ajussi scolded him.

"W-what do you mean, saved your life? " the one with the big nose asked.

"The other day I wanted to make some bibimpap for my yeobo honey and I went to the market but I didn't cross the street in time and almost got ran over until this beautiful agassi lady helped me." The mister explained.

"Oh my gosh." The dark one exclaimed. "Guys what are you doing, don't you know it's rude not to bow to your new producer!" He said as they all bowed 90° and stayed there for like 5 seconds before coming up.

"Oh you didn't have to I bowed back. And does that man I passed? " I asked referring to the new producer comment.

"Well a young man at FNC sent in an audition tape saying you sent him, I thought I told him to tell you that you passed and are hired. He was also supposed to tell you that today you were here to meet the people you'll be working with." He explained.  That little Yong Hwa oooo I told him not to help me! But I was still thankful.

"And the people I will be working with...." I tried to guess.

"That's right, it's them. VIXX." The mister, I mean president said.

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