Chapter 1

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A/N: Beware, if you do not like gory descriptive words, please skip the second paragraph!

Valories POV:

Sitting there on my bed, in my room, alone like usual, I hear my parents fighting. I get up and grab my oxygen container and walk out of my room.

"Ken why can't we just disown her and drop her off somewhere so we're not in so much debt?!"

"Tracy, she has Thyroid stage IV cancer we just can't do that! Myabe it would be good for us to get rid of her and get out of debt but that would mean we wouldn't be parents anymore."

At that point I walked out into the living room where they were fighting. I looked at them.

"Ken lets just do it so we're not in de- Valorie! What are you doing here sweetie!?"

" this really want you want to do with me?"

"Sweetie no! Your mother and I were just sayi-" By This time I went to my room.

I got my bags and started packing. I was crying this point and I looked on my dresser. There was my escape to pain. My blades. I got done packing and walked to my dresser. Grabbed my blades and sat down on my bed. Their my skin was being pierced by blades. The deeper my blades cut into my wrist, my stomach, and my thighs, the more blood that came out. Ten minutes later I was done.

I stood up, feeling light headed, I put my jacket on and walked out the door. I made sure I had enough oxygen. My parents were fighting in their bedroom so I wouldn't hear them. I wrote them a note saying that I left.

I double checked I had everything I needed before I walked out of this god damn house. Phone, check, charger, check, money, check, clothes, check, and etc. I thought to myself I should see my boyfriend could pick me up and take me away from this hell hole. I wasn't very liked or loved at school but somehow, my boyfriend fell in love with even though I was a girl who was a 15 year old freak with cancer.

I was 14 when they found it. My parents wanted to take me out of school like the doctors said but I refused. I wanted to learn. I didn't want to die without knowing about life. I wanted to feel love and that's when my boyfriend Andy came in. Didn't know him all that well. Few classes together, never talked till the day I came back to school and everyone found out I had cancer. He asked me out after a while. He would take me out before we started dating so we could know more about each other. Him being the 16 year old he is, loves a 15 year old cancer girl like me. It was simply amazing. I had a crush on him before but I knew we wouldn't be able to date. Hey, look at us now.

I texted Andy asking him if he could come get me.

Me: "Can you come get me??"

Him: "Sure! what time and why?"

Me:"Now and I'll explain when you come to get me." I grabbed my things along with my oxyegen container and looked around me. I opened that door, looked behind me simply said, "goodbye forever." and walked out.

A/N: HAHAHHAHAHA!!! Leaving you guys with a cliffhanger!! >:) Updating soon!!!

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