Weird things you wont know about me unless you met me in real life

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• I talk a LOT

• I talk really fast

• When I talk I'm often talking faster than I can think and because of that I don't have time to properly think of the names of things so I tend to explain objects with hand motions and sounds until someone reminds me of the word, or I remember the word (For example, my dad asked me how I would change gears in the car and I couldn't remember what the thing was called so I moved my hand in the gesture of changing gears and made the sound, shoom shoom)

• I'm a perfectionist

• I'm a germaphobe

• I'm NOT organized aT aLL

• I'm actually really loud

• The way I laugh changes with what person I'm with

• When I'm nervous or there's a dull in a conversation and I can't think of what to say I ?wiggle? Like I'll start swaying or I'll fidget with my haNDS a lot, and it normally makes the person I'm talking to laugh and they'll join in

• When I'm anxious I repeat numbers ( 1 2 3 5 7 9 10) and if I mess up the pattern I have to add another number and continue the pattern but louder

• When I'm having a panic attack I can't be touched by anyone and I can't touch anything. I have to stay standing in the same place, and preferably the floor must be clean.

• If someone else near me is a germaphobe I tend to feed off them and my germaphobic tendencies are worse and more noticeable when I'm with them

• I move a lot. I'm always bouncing my leg, moving my fingers, flexing certain leg muscles in a pattern, or swaying my legs/ body. Even when I'm going to sleep I move a lot.

• I'm afraid I'll smell bad and I'll often shower several times a day to make sure I smell nice

• I try to be outgoing

•I'm often nervous when I'm meeting new people but I'm very friendly and if you get me on a topic I like I will nOT shut up

• If I start babbling about something I'm interested in and you join in, even if you weren't originally in the conversation and I don't know you that well, I will love you forever

• I get really anxious and sad if I haven't talked to a person outside my family in a couple days

• I'm really friendly and I love to talk to new people

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