Chapter 30

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Dear Caroline,

I'm sorry I can't be there to help you with the project, I truly wish I could. You know if it weren't for my mother I would have been there months ago. I know you can keep everything on track until I get there. It is difficult now but in the end, the security of having consistent water will be worth it. From what you've told me you guys are doing everything right so far you're just a little too far from the end product to truly see it now. It will get better though I promise.

I would love to bring Olivia out, I think it's about time you two met, but I don't think that is possible. Her mother has been talking with a wealthy man a few towns over. He has a son he wishes to marry and Olivia seems the top candidate. She is doing all she can to convince her mother to not let the marriage happen but so far she has had little luck. Olivia is trying to postpone the decision but her mother is trying to marry her off as soon as she can now that she is 18. Hopefully, she can find a way out of it.

Planting season shouldn't be too far now so I'll see you soon. Until then I wish you luck on the project. I have complete faith in your ability to make this happen. Say hello to my cousin's for me and read them an extra story tonight.

See you soon,


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