Chapter 4- An Intriguing Blue Flame- Jasper's POV

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Even though I still hadn’t taken one single breath since walking in the room, I swear those eyes would’ve taken my breath away.  I swear I’d never felt anyway like this before… ever… Why now? Why so suddenly- so out of the blue? Why someone like me? A monster? I couldn’t help but admit I’d never felt so utterly awestruck before as I continued to gaze into this human’s eyes, time seeming to freeze as her unnaturally blue eyes seemed to shimmer like an open flame. Even though only maybe a second had past, it had seemed like ages as I marveled this sudden sense of awe.

Then suddenly, as time seemed to continue to stand still, I began to notice a slight blush rush into the girl’s cheeks, suddenly glad I wasn’t breathing. But it was strange- even being able to watch as the blood beneath her fairly translucent skin swirled, there was no temptation of wanting to drain the life out of her at all. Sadly enough, it was definitely something I’d never experienced before. I’d always had the worst self control in the Cullen clan, and trust me, I’d made plenty of mistakes that had been the main reasons we’d had to leave several of the places we’ve come from. However, now things seemed different, but in ways I couldn’t explain.

Her eyes were a totally different source of time itself as it seemed- they were unlike any shade of blue I’d ever seen and they fascinated me beyond anything I’d ever experienced. It almost seemed as if a tiny blue flame kindled itself, a flame that stayed lit. I was quite surprised by how intrigued I was simply by her eyes, wondering what she saw in my utterly dull golden ones- only really symbolizing the lifestyle I’d chosen. Her eyes seemed to symbolize much more than just a ‘lifestyle’ I had to live, but a kindling flame in the fire of something more unique I couldn’t put words to. I was speechless- speechless in my own awe.

It seemed like a millennium I was lost in her eyes which, in reality, only lasted a few seconds before I finally made myself hesitantly tear my gaze from hers, suddenly feeling a sudden burst of regret from the girl as I stayed in my daze of awe for a second before making myself shake out of it as I looked back down to my scribble of notes.

After a while, I decided to glance over slightly at this girl, Chelsey’s desk, suddenly noticing a sheet of paper laid on the very edge. My eyes automatically zoomed in on each word, noticing that she had written down things about the civil war era that the teacher had clearly not covered. What surprised me, though, was that it was accurate. Was this girl even human? Of course, it was obvious she was human, however, I felt as if her beauty had already proved far past that limit; and especially the fact that she had a clear liking for my era was something I’d never really seen in a human before.

Okay, Jasper. Focus. I just couldn’t seem to stop thinking about her mysterious yet intriguing eyes even as I made myself look back up at the teacher as he spilled through his inaccurate lecture. I finally just kind of gave up on listening and imagined patterns on the walls until a rush of warm air came rushing towards me as a human turned to hand me a packet that wouldn’t be due to the end of the unit. Glancing back down at my paper, I couldn’t help but smile slightly, something that almost felt ancient since it had been a while since I’d really smiled at all. Not just for the fact that I knew every answer to every question on the page immediately, but how much I still regretted turning away from the girl, Chelsey’s, gaze.

Suddenly, my head perked up to look up, perhaps faster than I intended, as I heard the word “Galveston” spoken. I could immediately feel the stares coming my way as they all knew I’d always had a ‘certain liking’ for the era, given we’d already spoken once or twice about it before the unit and I’d ironically been the only one who could answer the teacher’s ‘pre- unit questions.’ However, now that the material was being taught, I’d just decided to stay quiet since it was all so absurd when it came to legitimacy and I was supposed to be learning all of this for the first time.

A Healing Love- Jasper Whitlock/OC Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now