Chapter 5- I am still alive or in my own heaven? - Chelsey's POV

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I couldn't help but sigh and decide that I would get some food, although I probably wasn't going to eat, and then decide where to sit. Maybe by then I could make up my mind. I made my way through the short line and grabbed a salad, thinking that I might just nibble on the lettuce or something. I paid the lady at the register and looked around once again, finding a completely empty table. "As good as any," I mumble to myself and make my way to the table, setting my things down once I arrived and then sitting down myself and staring at my food and then glancing around the cafeteria.

As my eyes glanced around the room I couldn't help but catch those captivating blue eyes. I could feel the flaming blush rising on my cheeks. I quickly looked down in embarrassment before pulling at my sleeves to make sure that they reached over half my hands. I had so many scars from so many fights with my dad and the everyday beatings I got for no reason. I couldn't let this angel see them... I'd probably look disfigured compared to him if he saw. I sighed gently after taking a deep breath, trying not to think about the abuse that I got so often.

I could suddenly sense that someone was walking towards me and I new exactly who it was. Jasper. I could feel my heart pounding in my chest like crazy. It was so odd to me because I was never like this around guys. He was so different compared to others though. He was perfection while everyone else was just average. I suddenly looked up to see him even closer. I was a bit shocked and in awe that he would even approach me.

"Hello," he began with a soft tone, "My name is Jasper Hale- we're in English and history together, I recall." He said calmly before continuing, " Is it alright if I sit across from you?"

His voice was so deep and thick with a Texan accent I found myself in so much awestruck that it took me a moment to realize he had asked me a question. "S-sure," I reply before biting my lip gently. "Nice going Chelsey... You probably look like all the other girls when you're suppose to be different..." The voice in my head, 'the princess' chastised.

The next couple of minutes were absolutely incredible. I thought I was dreaming. When Jasper asked to do the project with me I was beyond elate and thought that there was no way this was all possible but It was. As the bell rang I grabbed my things and threw my salad away, only to have Jasper walk next to me again.

"Would you like me to walk with you to class?" Jasper asked me calmly. I, on the other hand, was anything except calm on the inside. "That'd be really nice of you. Thank you," I replied, no longer stuttering and my voice sounding surprisingly strong but still soft and shy. The thickness of my accent was so heavy though that I could hear a few people sniggering.

The moment we got into class I saw a table with six other people around it and two seats open next to each other. "We don't have to sit with my siblings if you don't want to," Jasper said a bit embarrassed at all the smirks that were directed our way. "No, it's fine, really." I answered with a small chuckle. "Alright well let me introduce you to everyone then," he replied as we approached the table.

"Chelsey, these are my siblings. There's Rosalie and Emmett..." He began as two people waved. The guy was absolutely massive. He was the first one I had seen that morning. He was sitting with an arm around the girl who was the envy of all models. So that was their names. "Then we have Alice and Ryan," he added as a guy with shaggy black hair and strong features and a girl with pixie like hair and a bright smile waved. Their names seemed to fit them perfectly. Alice was a bit overly peppy but I knew I had my moments of pepiness sometimes. "And then we have Edward and his girlfriend Bella," he concluded as the boy with penny colored hair waved and the girl next to him with big brown doe like eyes and mahogany hair waved. "Y'all, this is Chelsey West. She's new here," Jasper concluded and I couldn't help but blush once again and wave, giving them a smile. "It's a pleasure to meet you all." I greeted and they all smiled back. "You too, we've heard a lot about you from chatter around the town." Edward said before alice piped up. "Well, none of us have any work we need to do but Emmett told us that you two do so why not go find a place and get to work. We won't intrude," alice chimed in her pixie like voice. "Alright, then I'll see you later. Chelsey, you wanna go sit back near the books?" Jasper offered. I smiled and nodded. "Sure, it seems that's where all the actual studiers are at instead of all the talkers." I agreed.

Jasper then led me toward the furthest table since it was right next to the section of books we needed. I sat down and put my things beside me as Jasper sat next to me on the other side. I grabbed out my English binder and a pencil.

"So what all did you have in mind for the project?" I asked curiously, wondering what kind of ideas he had. I knew for once I wouldn't be the one doing all the work so, I of course had to ask for his input.

"Since we're fabricating a scrapbook, one of that on the civil war... I'm sure we can find things we can use to suit our purposes for it. Gun advancement was certainly a significant part of the era, I know... And horseback riding has always been a classic feat, of course." Jasper said with such confidence and knowledge, I couldn't help but be enthralled already.

"Well, considering we actually have to do the things in the scrapbook, we could definitely go out and shoot at some targets. That at least two pages already. A target for each of us," I said in theory before I couldn't help but add something else. "And, I'm sure the drama department has some consumes we could borrow to go horseback riding in. We can take pictures of the riding and all and I might can edit them so that they look antique," I added with a bit of eagerness. "That is, if time away from Texas, and the fact you've been in the north, hasn't taken your ability to shoot and ride." I spoke out without even thinking. I was positive it had been 'the princess' speaking, almost as though she were trying to reach someone through bringing out my normal self so early, and in essence, her self.

*Jasper laughs lightly and I can't help but feel a victorious smile land on my lip. He actually laughed at something I had to say, well, the princess anyways. "Trust me, no time away from Texas will ever even merely annihilate what I came to love there. Especially horse back riding riding, and I'm sure my skills with a shotgun haven't altered either." He said and trails off with a laugh that made my heart skip a beat. "I'm sure you can relate, even though it's been a much shorter span of time since you've been in Texas, of course- A few weeks rather than, well, years."

"It's really only been a few days, so yeah, it's a bit different, but I can still relate quite a bit. It seems everything changes the moment you cross the state line," she said and sighed. "But either way, I'm excited for the project then! It's always nice to have a good riding partner, but I haven't shot a shotgun in years," she said and laughed. "But I'm sure we can shoot my shotguns and pistols. I'm almost positive I have at least two of each," I explained as I couldn't help but look into his liquid golden eyes. They were perfection and I couldn't help but find myself a bit lost in them.

{so, no, I am not done with this chapter completely, but I am publishing it to give you a little something to read. I am so sorry I have been such a horrid admin and writer. I will do my best to update this chapter, but until I do, I hope you enjoy it and it leaves you guessing. ~Chelsey}

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 12, 2015 ⏰

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