Flee I say to the thing that is watching me with prying eyes,
it is something they do seek,
they're always wanting to take a peek,
walking around on naked foot, just to see what the other took,
while so many are looking in my books.
By night I feel those prying eyes, stalking me out,
watching my every move, but they look so confused
like they have been abused and very used.
I watch from my bedroom window how they sink about
They truly try hard not to shout. But really who is stalking who?
Shall we take another look?
-Judy Emery Copyright © 2006 The Queen Of Darken Dreams Poetic Lilly Emery
PoetryMemories are things that come to me in happiness or sadness of sorrows, so I made poetry. Old memories you will always be a very big part of me.