-new year-

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(note writing wolfys part i was drunk more numb but you get the point)

M: what was the best part of the year?

Me: hmmmm it was my bday when i got so damn drunk it was funny i have a recording but wolfy would fucking murder if i put it in here XD

V: damn straight i would ummm for me that would have to be 

G: hehe mine would would have to be seeing you grow as my sister

Me: awwwww thank u and i got a better idea of what my favorite of the year was her saying that and my bday. *is smiling hugs both of them* thank you for being my pug sis and bff you two!

V: np G: of course 

V:i don't know if i had a favorite part

A: i think it would have to be this book  Luke: same  Me: marcoooo~ 

M: what? Me: what's yours? :3 M: Obviously i don't-...  G: *eyes go dark* 

M: ok ok fine! i guess you guys caring for me but don't get the wrong idea just because of that you guys are still annoying ok happy now?

Me: aww thank you :3  G: hug time  :3🎵

M: NOOOOO!!!! *gets huged anyway* odio fottutamente tutti voi!!! (note google translate so not my best but hey it works)

lo&F: meeting you J: *smirking*  G: what are you smirking about rich boy~?

J: first off it's not rich boy it's jason and second off-...*sigh* you did that on purpose didn't you?

G: maybe hehehe whatcha going to do about it *is grinning like an idiot**is right in his face*

Me: *holds up a mistletoe between them* X3 J&G: *sees it kiss's then look's over at me*

M: anyway next question is what was your fav chapter?

G: hmmm all of it 

V: same 

Me: dreamswap that shit was fun to make

M: last question if you had one wish and it can be anything what wolud it be what would you wish for?

G: meeting my sis in real life 

Me: :3 *grinning like an idiot*

V: death jk to not have to deal with idiots on a daily basis

Me: really  W: *gives me a look* Me: point taken

Me: hmmm i wish that pug sis was my real sis she is better then my bitch of a sister that i have now 

M: nice resentment there *gets hit in the face by a book* M: oh shut the fuck up i don't hear-! 

V: how about you both shut the fuck up? *holds both of us at gunpoint* M: ok

Me: what are you going to rob us?  W: smartass you do realize i could just pull the trigger  right now for you being a smartass  Me: yes but it's fun to be put on the edge of death.

V: you are such a fucking weirdo.

Me: yup 

Me: anyway i wish all of you a happy new year and let's make this THE BEST DAMN YEAR YET!!!

all: YEAH!!!!


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