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In life, everyone wants nothing more than to escape its jaws. Though, some people crumble and let themselves be eaten and swallowed into the stomach of self-pity. I almost did, but I found him.

I was eighteen years old when that happened. My mother died in a carraige accident, my father remarried and my stepmother is downright cruel. But I'm not making my life a Cinderella story. I don't want or need a prince charming. I am not a damsel in distress.

But even though I didn't want a prince, I found him hanging on a tree. Literally.


Hey! So as I promised, here is a new story! I came across it in my BMO notebook. This story is actually a story I made after I answered a test in school. :P

Until now, I wonder why the teacher didn't scold me. Haha! XD

This is dedicated for Hiccstridlover0119! She's awesome. Though, can I ask how you dedicate a chapter to someone? Also how to add those subtitles under your username in your profile?

So I hope you enjoyed this!

Stay cool~

My Prince CharmingWhere stories live. Discover now