Hogwarts the School of Witch Craft and Youtubing

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        A small Russian boy woke up from his slumber, and felt the crisp air of a Russian summer. He wiped away the sleep from his eyes and slowly got out of bed, being extra careful not to trip over anything or knock any box towers full of junk.
He soon made it threw the surprisingly large maze of junk that was contained in the small room, and left to the hallway. He closed the door slowly, it was morning but he still did not want to wake up his uncle. He made his way to the kitchen, his uncle was passed out on the couch, now was his time to get food.
Navigating threw the stock piles of stuff, junk, and useless crap, he reached the kitchen and cooked him self some eggs.
He plated his finished food, and eat it in the kitchen, taking it back to his room was a hard and long journey he wasn't willing to make.
A stirring sound was heard from the living room and that was a key sign to go back to his room. The boy scarfed down the eggs, and set the plate gently in the washing machine, making as little noise as possible. He headed back to his room to change but stopped abruptly when moving came from the couch that was now in front of him, when the moving stopped once again he hurried away.
Instead of heading straight to his room he opted to check the mail first.
bill, bill, bill, trash, od looking letter thingy that's addressed too Aleks.
The boy raised an eye brow at the letter, it was addressed to him, he opened it to read it, then two eyebrows rose.
It was a letter to go to a school, a school in which he never applied to.
"What are you reading..."
Aleks jumped, turning to face the tall man, hiding the letter behind him. "nothing."
"That's a lie give it to me." He sad firmly
"No, its mine, it was addressed to me!"
"It was addressed to shit! hand it over!"
The uncle go closer, but Aleks quickly dogged an ran up to his room nocking a few towers over to stall his aggressor.
"get the fuck back out here" Yelled the hoarder uncle from down stairs. Aleks ignored him and continued to read the letter.
He needed a few things, but he didn't have the money for it, and he didn't have the ride to get there.
He sighed, and folded the paper and put it into his pocket, he took all the money he had and climbed out the window, like hes don'e many times before, and started heading to main street.

        Maybe I can ask around see whose heard of it before, he thought, but something told him it was a bad idea. But he continued with it regardless. He asked who heard of Hogwarts before, but everyone shook there head or shrugged. He asked and asked, till finally he asked a man wearing a purple beanie, Aleks didn't get much of a good look at him before he jumped in surprise to his question, and quickly pulled him to the side away from people.
"whow whow, how do you know about that?" the stranger asked.
"Oh, um, I got a letter." 
"oh, really! Well first things first, your not suppose to talk about it to, um....other people."
"oh sorry, but uh can you help me?" Aleks held up the letter not knowing how to get or the stuff or even get there.

"Do your parents not know what the letter means?" The Latino asks while taking the letter and scanning it.
He shakes his head "No, I don't have parents, and my uncle is a piece of shit who wants to rip the letter up. look Id really want to go there I don't wanna live with my uncle anymore, maybe asking a stranger is not a smart thing to do but it's the only thing I got..."
The stranger looks at him and smiles extending his hand out to shake "Then lets not be strangers! I'm Sly"
Aleks looked shocked for a second at the hand before accepting the handshake "Aleks."
Sly smiled brightly "well lets go, i'm sure I have enough to get you supplies for the new school!" He started walking leading Aleks to where ever he was suppose to get all this, magical stuff.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 16, 2014 ⏰

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