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Todoroki POV:

"We could go out" i said in a kinda questioning voice.

"ok but where?" Bakugo asked. I honestly don't know where.

"I don't know. Any ideas?"

"Yeah but maybe you should've thought this shit through" he said as he got up.

"Well what are you thinking of?"

"We could go to the movies i guess" it was something to do.

"Ok. How much is it?" I said as I got up.

"Like $15" I went over to the sink and he took my plate.

"Let's go there then" he just nodded. I could definitely pay. Endeavor might've been hard to get by but I was able to sneak by and get his credit card. I just hope today isn't awkward. I go over to the couch and sit down. I was just scrolling through instagram.

Bakugo POV:

I continue washing dishes as I think about later. When he says 'go out' does that mean on a date or just something to do? Also is it gonna be awkward because I don't wanna deal with that shit. It probably won't be tho. Wait, who's gonna pay? I could but I don't want to so i'll make him pay. I finish washing the dishes and start putting them away. After a few mins i'm done with that. I go over to the couch and flop down laying my head in todoroki's lap.

"So what time are we leaving?" he asked.

"I'll look" I pull out my phone and look for the movie time. 2:30 so we would have to leave at 2 since I don't have a car yet.

"2" he just nods then goes back to his phone.

~time skip brought to you by my laziness~

It was 1:30 already. We were still in the same position but todoroki wasn't staring at his phone and we were watching tv. Damn he's cute. His half and half hair and bi-colored eyes. He literally is half and half. Seriously I need to stop.

"We should probably get up" he says. I nod as I sit up. He stands up and walks to my room. I stand up and walk to the kitchen and lean against the counter and look through my phone (sorry i can't think of any other rooms😂) I hear him walk towards me.

"Wanna do something else while we're waiting?" I just nod. What would we do tho?

"Wanna get lunch?" I nod again.

Todoroki POV:

We could go to that new restaurant that's on the way to the movie theater. That's all I can think of so that's where we'll go. It was 1:18 so we should have time.

"We should get going"

"Whatever" I let him walk out first then followed. We were now walking side by side.

"Where are going?"

"It's the new restaurant that opened last week. It's on our way to the theater" He just nodded. I kept looking at our surroundings. I felt a little scared but not scared enough to show. I think Bakugo could tell tho. He grabbed my hand. It made me flinch a little but I grabbed his hand back. We continued walking hand in hand. This is the first time we've held hands. I wanna squeal like a little girl but I think I can wait to do that. We finally made it. We walked in and our hands drop. There wasn't many people so we only have to wait a few mins. We sit down on the bench. I watch Bakugo scroll through insta. We hear my name and follow the lady to the table it was only 1:30 so we have 30 mins but since we're closer now we could probably leave later. I heard the waiter walk up to our table.

"What drinks could I get started for you today?" she looked at me.

"Just a water please" She just nods and looks at Bakugo.

"I want a water too"

"Do you want anything in your water?" I could see a look in her eye. I think she likes Bakugo. If anything happens i'll just mess with her. She walks away. I wasn't paying attention to the rest of their interaction.

"That was fucking weird" Bakugo says.

"What did she do?"

"She was flirting with me but subtlety"

"Oh" I guess i'll have to mess with her a bit then.

~Time skip brought to you by idk how to make a date:)~

The waiter came over with the check so I put the credit card on and handed it back. Bakugo looked at me confused.

"You're supposed to be 18 to have a credit card"

"I know"

"Why the hell do you have one then?"

"It's my dad's" I said slightly smirking.

"Wait really?"

"Yeah. It was the only thing I could get easily" he just kinda nodded. I mean im only a few months away from being 18 so it shouldn't be that surprising. The waiter came back with the receipt but it had her number on it. She walked away. We got up and walked out the door. Bakugo was about to throw the number away but I stopped him.

"I have a idea" I grabbed the paper from him and put it in my pocket. We were on our way to the movie now but this time when we were walking there was more laughing and talking. I loved being near him. Even if we aren't touching I still love his presence. We finally made it to the theater. We paid and did all that stuff then went to our movie.

~time skip brought to you by i'm not creative~

We walked out the door laughing. We definitely got closer today. We decided to just go home since it was 3:45.

"So why'd you keep the number?" Bakugo asked.

"You'll see when we get back" I said smirking. We kept walking. We both were talking a lot and then we got to the door. We saw his moms car parked in the driveway. We walk and look around for his mom but found her sleeping on the couch. We quietly walked to his room.

"Ok what r we doing." I pulled out the girls number and took my phone out. He looked at me with a 'oh no' look.

"You know what they say, karmas a bitch"(I cant say karma without thinking of assassination classroom) I started to dial the number. Bakugo looked surprised. I put it on speaker and the phone started ringing.

"Hello?" a small voice said. Definitely hers.

"Hey, it's the guy from the restaurant"

"Oh hi! How are you?"

"Good. I called to see if you wanted to go out."

"YEAH" I put the phone on mute. We burst out in laughter.

"I thought you were dating that halfie but i wasn't sure so i have you the number anyways" Thats what bakugo used to call me.

"Yeah.. meet me at the park across from the restaurant at 2:30pm. See you then bye."

"Ok bye!" she said then hung up. We start laughing really hard.

"Good job" Bakugo said laughing.

"We should go see if she actually comes and hide behind a tree or something" I say calming down. He nodded calmly. I get up and walk over to him and then sit down. Now i'm not sitting across from him. I put my head on his shoulder.

"Today has been really fun" I say. I was starting to get tired. I'm always tired and I can sleep better now.

"It has" he agreed.

"You tired?" he asked. I nod. He picked me up and flopped me on the bed. He laid himself next to me. We stared at eachother making eye contact. We just stared into each other's eyes for a little. Shortly after he wrapped his arms around me and pulled me into his chest. My eyes started to close. I fell asleep.

Word count: 1,236
Sorry it took so long to update. I had my break then started procrastinating butttttttttt I finally did it. Also the word count is not including the side note thing. Ok ima peace out and hope you all had a good christmas!!! Ps I didn't reread this.

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