Chapter 10~ •The Confession•

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Even tho I might be on pause sometimes I will come back and try to manage and add more chapters. I hope people still read my fanfic tho ;v; well enjoy.


(America's POV)
That was a sleepless night of nightmares. There was a heavy weight on my lap. Still on my lap, Russia laid. "Hey, Russie, wake up. We have to go to school today. I know whatever happened yesterday was hard but we still need to go." I tapped his head lightly. "hhhhhhgrr... What? Amerika? Wait!" he jolted awake and slid across my room. "hehehe... silly, you're in my room. Do you not remember yesterday? When you kis-" "ТЫ СЛЫШАЛ МЕНЯ?!?! *Ahem* I mean, YOU HEARD ME?!? Sorry, I tend to speak russian when I get surprised or when I'm mad, but still." Russia screamed. Oops... did I say to much? "Heheheeee.. umm taking back what I said, we need to get ready for school." I nervously laughed. He nodded and left to go home and change. (Laterr oooof)

We stood at the bus stop with everyone else. "Hey Russ, where were you last night? I went to your room and you were gone." Ukraine asked, suspicious. "Oh uh at Ame's place, Ended up sleeping over on accident. He was... "sick". I wanted to check on him." he said, knowing both of us really knew what happened. We got on the bus and everything went the same way like everyday. All I hope though is me and Russia aren't going to be awkward around each other.

(Russia's POV)
My mind was spinning. Was he able to see everything that happened???! We sat down but faced opposite direction, avoiding as much eye contact with each other. As we were sitting I caught myself staring at him. I tried to pull my gaze away but I was to distracted... by him. He turns to look at me and our faces become bright red. We both immediately turn our back. At the same time the bus came to a stop. I pushed myself off the bus and towards the school. "H-hey... America..." I turned my head to see who was calling Ame, and standing there, was that stupid сука Japan. "A-Ame~senpai... I'm sorry! I-I can explai-" "Shut it Japan, I don't wanna even hear it. Just fuckin leave me and Russia alone." America said with deep anger in his voice. Suddenly he grabbed my hand and proceeded to drag me away. "W-Wait! Please! America~senpai!" she pleaded, but we payed no attention.

(Japan's POV)
... Ame... S-senpai.... really does hate me... What have I done? I couldn't help myself and started bawling right then and there. I don't even care! I'M SO FUCKING STUPID!!!! WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT?! WHY JAPAN TOKYO?!?? WHY?!? ... I saw Viet and S. Korea coming my way. "H-hey Japan. Let us guess.. didn't work?" S. Korea said sympathetically while Viet handed me tissues. "Japan, we can talk about this during lunch, right now though, we need to head to class." while Vietnam dragged me to my class. I don't even know how to live on with myself... I just lost my senpai...

(Mr. Beijing's POV)
These three were odd today. Japan looks depressed, Russia looks happy although he's always nervous or sad looking, and America's not sleeping. Hm surprising. "America, Whats the answer to question 3: How many countries are there?" (Im not creative okay -_- I didn't know what else to put) I asked, seeing if he really was different, and to my surprise "There are 195 Mr. Beijing." he responded. "C-correct. *ahem ahem* are you feeling ok America?" "Quite fine sir, why do you ask?" I felt astounded, "Oh its nothing. Alright class, get back to work." I am slightly confused but oh well.

(At lunchtime)

(3rd POV)
Everything was the same except for the rumor about the potion and Japan. "Stay away from her or she'll curse you to love her." one said, "She's crazy, she'll probably kill you if you talk to her crush." said another. Japan was distraught, hiding behind the covers of her friends. Russia and America sat on the far side opposite of Japan, avoiding her. Now she can only admire him from afar, wishing to at least be able to hug him. Their days went on like this, Russia and America hanging out more than before and Japan staring intently from a distance.

(Russia's POV)
It was the end of the day... You need to do this Russia. Just ask him, " Do you want to go on-" wait do I ask him to be my boyfriend or go on a date of- "Hey Russie. Time to head home." Ame appeared. Without thinking I grabbed his hand and ran to the back of the school. "Woah there! R-Russia? What are we-" I stop him mid sentence by pinning him against the wall. Even though our faces were red I mustered up the courage to ask, "H-Hey Um... Sunfl-lower, Would you like to be my date boyfriend?" SHIT I messed up the whole line!! "I-I m-MEanT-" I was cut off by a kiss and a quiet "y-yes.." but I could here it."

(Japan's POV)
I saw the 2 running off. Where were they going? I quietly followed behind, not wanting to be heard. I watched as Russia pinned Ame~senpai. I would've fangirled but instead I was heartbroken. I quietly sobbed as I listened to Russia confess. When I looked back, I saw them kissing. At that point, I had reached my breaking point.

Hi hi! so my pause was very short (Then wat was the point -_-) I plan to start "The Prince's Knight" soon (2021 Owen butting in here, I never did that). I just need to work on the cover. I hope yall enjoyed this chapter. I slightly feel bad for Japan on this chapter. Well see ya in chap 11!! Also, Hope y'all had a great 2019 and Happy New year UωU.

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