The Mistake (knj × ksj)

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Namjoon and Seokjin make a mistake that changes their relationship forever.

Implied sexual content, mild language.

3,820 words.

I hope you like it.



Seokjin lets out a soft breath, turning at the low voice to where Taehyung leans in the doorway. "Hm?"

"Jungkook wants me to ask you if he can bring - "

"If he has to ask me about it, he probably shouldn't bring it."

Taehyung grins. "All right." He disappears and Seokjin turns back to the suitcase, smoothing the stacks of carefully folded clothing. He reaches for a slightly crooked shirt, refolding it, placing it back onto the stacks, then letting out a breath, eyes scanning the room for imperfections, for forgotten items.

"Hey, Hyung?"

"Yeah?" He turns to smile at Hoseok, earning a bright flash of teeth from the younger boy in return.

"Namjoon was looking for you. And did you say Jungkook could pack the PlayStation?"

Seokjin blinks, picturing the youngest boy trying to fit the entire PlayStation console into his suitcase. "I did not."

"I thought so." Hoseok laughs, shaking his head. "I'll go stop him."

"Thanks, Hobi." Hoseok nods in response, disappearing, and it's only when he's gone that Seokjin registers the first part of his earlier sentence. "Wait, did you say that Namjoon was looking for me?"

Namjoon. The name itself is enough to make Seokjin's heart turn in backflips, and he can't help smiling a bit, thinking of Namjoon looking for him, although it's more than likely that he's searching for the older boy simply to review the plan for this weekend again; the dimpled man has always been a bit of a control freak.

There's a tap on the doorframe and Seokjin glances up, his cheeks heating as he smiles at the tall man in the doorway. Namjoon sweeps a hand through the hair falling on his forehead - it's been getting long recently - as his dimples appear, eyes crinkling at Seokjin. "Hey, how's it going?"

"I'm packed," Seokjin turns to the bed, reaching for the suitcase zipper, and Namjoon appears next to him, bringing the other zipper to meet its twin in the middle. He smiles at Seokjin, sitting down on the edge of the bed.

"What time were you wanting us to leave, again?"

"At one," Seokjin glances at the clock on the wall, his eyes widening. "Holy - " he stands abruptly, panic overcoming his chest. "We're going to be on the road forever, why didn't I set an alarm?" He lets out a breath, shaking his head, lifting his suitcase to the floor. "Will you get the guys together while I grab some kind of food for the road?"

"Hey, no stress," Namjoon stands, giving Seokjin a smile. "I can drive, it's not far, and I bet the traffic won't be too bad."

Seokjin bites his lip. "Thanks, Namjoon." He walks to the doorway, pausing under the frame. "Let's try and have everyone out the door in half an hour?"

"No problem," Namjoon gives him a thumbs up and a dimple-y grin. "Half an hour, we'll be on the road no problem."


"Fucking traffic," Yoongi grumbles from the backseat an hour and a half later, letting out an exaggerated sigh as he leans on Taehyung. Seokjin turns from the passenger seat to shoot him a glare, his patience worn thin at this point.

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