The A Train (jjk × reader)

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Jungkook struggles with a severe crush on the girl he's befriended on the train.

Normal text from reader's perspective. Bold from Jungkook's.

2,417 words.

Fluff. Lots of fluff.

Hope you enjoy. Happy Valentine's.


She knew he liked her.

He'd been waiting for her at the train station every day for months now, although if she mentioned it his ears would turn red and he would say that he didn't wait at all, but rather arrived at the same time by coincidence.

They would sit next to each other, and his low voice would rasp slightly as they spoke quietly, laughing softly so as to not disturb the other passengers on the early morning and late night trains.

He would smile at her, and he would bow his head to listen to her more closely, and he would look at her when he thought she wouldn't notice.

But he never said anything.

She wanted him to; she waited for the day that he would ask her out, or perhaps just steal a kiss while they spoke, because their heads were so close then anyway, but he hadn't. She could see in his eyes that he'd thought about it, the idea crossing his mind before he blinked and it was gone, replaced by a soft smile and a playful nudge.

She wanted Jungkook to kiss her. She wanted Jungkook to ask her out. She wanted Jungkook to hold her hand when he walked her to work every morning.

But somehow, weeks, then months, went by after she realized that he liked her back, and neither of them made a move; fear, perhaps, that they were misreading the situation, or maybe just fear of something that may not work out prevented them from speaking of it, but she knew he liked her, and she knew that he knew she liked him.

It was so frustrating.


Quite simply, Jeon Jungkook was afraid.

He'd dated before, of course, as one does when they're a tall, handsome man in Korea. His charm attracted a lot of women, and he'd dated several, short, playful flings before it was broken off by one of them.

He'd never fallen so hard before, though.

He'd first seen her on the train in the morning, rushing in at the last minute, taking the empty seat across from him. She'd been pink-cheeked from the cold, her hair long then, her eyes sparkly in the bright lights of the train as she leaned her head against the window, her eyes skimming the other passengers.

Jungkook had fallen for her when the only empty seat was next to him, and she had sat there, surprising him by asking quietly what he was listening to. He had offered her an earbud, and she had smiled as she heard the song, her face softening, saying that he must have good music taste.

Jungkook had blushed, nodding, and from that day on she had sat next to him even when there were other spots on the train, and he started waiting for her on the train platform in the mornings so they could find a seat together. It progressed to where neither of them would want to say goodbye, still discussing some riveting topic in quiet voices, his shoulders hunched so that their faces were level as they spoke, and he had begun walking her to work, then waiting for her in the train station until she got off work, simply so he could spend more time with her, because her soft laugh and quiet voice and rare smiles were everything, to him.

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