New firends

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Paige's POV
Paul takes me over to a bunch of woman sitting on the sand by the old fire pit and goes off to play with the other boys. I have never been one to go uncountable around new people so I start to introduce myself, I found out that one of the girls is one of Jacobs older sister Rachel who I was never really close to when I was a child but she was always super nice and still was. Another girl offered me a very large muffin and I found out that her name was Emily and she was engaged to Sam who I briefly meet earlier. We all started talking about what it was like coming back here after so long and if anything had changed, they all seemed really nice and I really enjoyed talking to them some of the boys joined the girls around me and started to get the fire going. At that point Jacob and the girl who's name is Renesmee, was talking to cam and sat next to me,
"so how are you like La Push so far?"
The girl asked me she I really pretty She had bronze curly hair, fair skin and dimples, her brown eyes sparkled every time she talked.
"yeah its been really great almost everyone has been welcoming"
I replay, I wish I new her name, it just felt weird to me to be talking to someone and not know their name.
Jacob reply's
" yeah it was just one person, don't even worry about it I'm sure it was just bed timing or something"
Paul has just started the fire and I could see the flames starting to take over the rest of the twigs and branches.
"its never a good time for for anyone to talk to Leah these days"
he replies putting his arm around Rachel,
" I'll talk to her"
Jacob replies looking down at the fire
"no you wont its fine I didn't expect everyone to welcome me back with open arms, it has been a long time and we were all kids when were last were together, people change".
Everyone has come over to the fire and is sitting watching the flames everyone excepted Leah, Embry and the girl he was sitting with, I actually cant see them anywhere, but I can see Leah by the water still, she must be cold I think, my thoughts are interrupted with a hug from behind,
"I cant believe you are back and I had to do school work before I could see you",
I didn't even have to see him
to know it was Seth, his hug wormed me up straight away and he at down beside me, everyone was giggling and going back to their own conversation and Seth sand I started talking he wanted to know if Josh was here too and when he could see him, he had changed a lot he was buffer but not like jake or Paul, had the same tattoo on his arm as the other boys and was taller then me too, his smile still reminded me of Jacobs smile that he had when he was a kid. We were all talking amongst ourselves when we could hear this commotion coming from the left of us down by the water. I could see Leah walking back towards us
"what's going on"
Seth says
"just what usually happens when someone imprints when they are dating another girl."
Leah stares at me again and Everyone becomes quiet
"wait, what's an imprint?"
I say confused as to what she had just said and why she was looking at me
" its noting just another word for makes a mistake"
Sam says before looking back at Leah, everyone is still looking at Leah or the fire in Awkward silence,
Jacob says getting up from his position beside me and  Renesmee and walking off behind us, Leah follows behind him, the commotion gets louder as the two people come closer to the group, I can see that it is Embry and the girl he was sitting with,
"we will talk about this later Embry, its late and your not thinking straight"
the girl says walking passed us Embry  followed her
" I am thinking straight tomorrow I might not be, this is just how it has to be, you know that's how it works, no one has eve been able to avoid it, as much as I want to I can, in tried tonight and it hurts to much"
the conversation fades as the walk away to the parking lot,
"well what's a welcome back party without some drama hu?"
Jared says watching me. I give him a little smile and go back to watching the flames, I text Lucy that I'm alright and with my old friends and that I will be home by 8 and not to wait for me,  he tells me that she is happy that I am with them and enjoying the night. Its only 6pm but I am tired its has been a big and interesting day, I have only been in Forks for two days but I can tell that the rest of my time here in Froks are going to be just as interesting as this one. Jacob and Leah can back and sat down and they all started talking about some hiking trip they were planing on doing this weekend, the boys seemed very excited about it, Renesmee and we started to talk as Jakob and Seth were both talking to the other about the camping trip. She was a really nice girl and I also found out that we were going to be in the same year in school when it started back, we agreed to sit next to each other at lunch times and Renesmee was getting so excited, I was also happy that I had someone to sit with at lunch, school haven't even started back and I already had people I could call friends. Renesmee had gone back to lying on Jacobs shoulder when all of the student I felt this stage felling and I turned to find Embry was sitting down next to me, I liked the feeling I got when I was with him, it was like the feeling that I got earlier today, it felt worm, safe and it was like I was being pulled towards him. It was a nice feeling, I could feel the worm though of his body heat as he sat down next to me
"sorry about all that"
he says looking over at me
"its fine, is everything ok with you and....un..."
the felling to know if he was ok was an odd feeling and asking about the girl that was obviously him girlfriend felt wrong but i needed to know.
"yeah everything will be hopefully, Sage just needed to cool down, that all"
i wanted to know what had happened but i could tell that he didn't wan't to talk about it, so I dropped that conversation, we were both silent for a moment and even thought we didn't talk it wasn't a uncomfortable silence but it was nice,
" how long have you known these guy?"
I ask after a while.
" i new who he was when i was younger but we didn't start to become friends till we were 13 and we have been friends ever since, I've known Quil for longer we meet when we were 8 but the other I've only become close with in the past 2 of so years, we have all been through a lot together."
He tells me I'm surprised that most of theses guys have only known each other for such a short amount of time, it looked like they all had been friends most of their life.
" yeah I heard about what happened to Harry Clearwater, its horrible. I guess that why Leah is so angry, losing someone like that does things to you"
i was never really new Seth and Leahs parents but from what i could remember they were really nice people
"yeah i guess its one of the reasons, that girls has a lot going on in her head"

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