Ill find out the truth

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Paige POV
The next two days we full of me talking on the phone to Renessmee, Jake and Jacson, and trying to organise plans and meet ups. I had also started working at the hospital with Carlisle, it was so fun, i was in charge of the files of patients and checking up on them, i had seen the boys from la push go into Carlisle office one time. I wasn't allowed in so i guess it must have been something important. I also told Josh about Seth and he actions put down his phone for the first time when i talked to him, he tried to hid his excitement and play it cool about possibly going to La Push to meet up with our old friends some time next week. I also made plans with Jacson, he was going to introduce me to some of his friends and it turns out that Ruby is his cousin, and we were also going to meet up next week or the week after. But today i had a shift at the hospital, Carlisle had been acting weird towards the end of this shift on Monday, and even Renessmee was replying weirdly over text. I new something was going on, i just didn't know what it could be. I mean the family were a little odd and everyone having the same eyes was a crazy coincidence right? Or maybe they all wear contacts. Yeah that's it, i as just over reacting. I drove over to the hospital and started my shift, a few hours into my shift and everything was normal, i was going around checking up on Carlisle patients but then something happened, one of the patrons that was next on the list's bed was empty, I grabbed his clip board to see if something happened and something had, the patient has passed away. I new that if someone passes that the clipboard is meant to go into a storage file just in case someone wants to see it later on, I grabbed it and went down to see Carlisle to see if he wanted me or someone else to go and put it in its file. His door was closed so I knocked, usually his door was closed when he had patients,
"come in"
i opened the door a little and peered my head inside, a man was sitting in the room with Carlisle, he had brown shoulder length hair, pail skin and dressed nicely,
" ah Paige, have you finished your rounds?"
The man in the char turned around and started at me, he continued to blink uncontrollably as he looked at me like he had something in his eyes, maybe he was trying to get use to contact lenses and they were hurting his eyes, i new he had something on his eyes because i could see a circle of red around the outside of his pupils, it was only faint but i could still see it.
"Um not quite, can i have a word out here, it wont take long"
i say not wanting to stay in the room, the guy creeped me out, he only looked about 23 or so but just the way he looked at me i wanted to get out of the room.
He smiled and told the man in the char that we would be back soon and not to go anywhere . He closed the door as he left the room, the man was still looking at me when the door closed.
"What's up?"
He asks with a smile.
"This was left in a patient room after they passed and i was just wondering if you wanted me to put it in the storage file or if you wanted me to give it to someone earls"
i think he could tell that I didn't want to be near the office, he gave me a smile,
"you can do it, do you know where to go?"
I smiled and took a breath of relief
" yes i know where to go, what would you like me to do after that?"
He looked down at his watch it was only 1:30PM
"you can go home after you put that in the storage file"
I don't complain, i new it was coming as Carlisle doesn't make me work long, he always says that a girl my age should only be volunteering a few house a week and this was my last shift for the week, and i did plane of meeting Jake tomorrow at Sam and Emily's house tomorrow and had to get things organised.
He went back into his room and changed the sign on his door to 'do not disturb'. I walked down to the storage room and swiped my card that's Carlisle had given me to go into restricted sections. I walked into the room, it was cold and had the lights that reminded me of horror movies. I looked at the name on the file, Potter. So i walked down rows and rows of files to find P. I found the P section and started looking for O, as i was looking for the right stop to put it i started to think of how many files where down here and i wounded what was the oldest file they had here. I found where the file was meant to go and looked at my watched, i had only been down here 10 minuets, i had time to look around, i started to walk down the room to the fils that were in the back, they were all in boxes with dates and the letter of the fils in the box, 1980 G, 1950 E, 1930 U, the dates went on and on, it was amazing. I didn't want to go to far back i is decided to have a look at 1926 and go up in 10s just looking at one file from the year, Jone Evern 1926 - bear attack. 1936 Sasha Clove - car crash something about this file made me stop I didn't know what it was about it but something make it look familia, i put the file back and moved to 1946. James Yulin - drowning. I looked at the writing in this file and released why the other file and this file looked so familia to me, i had seen this writing before, i placed the file on its box and went back to 2019 P and grabbed the file i just put back and walked back to the 1936 and 1946 files and placed them side by side, and my suspicions were correct the writhing was the same, even the signature we almost identical, only a few bits and pieces were replace or added in.  But how could this be if Carlisle had signed this file in 1936 he would have to be at least 83 years old, and he looked the age of 23. I took a photo of the files on my phone and out them back in their places and left the room. I was confused i new that it would be impossible for him to have signed those files, but i couldn't think of any other explanation for why him and who ever singed those files handwriting and signatures were the same. I quickly signed out got my things, got in my car and drove home. I didn't know what to think but i new that i would find out how the writing and signatures were the same, one way or another.

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