Chapter: 1

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"Dean, it's time to move," Kali said into her headset as she watched the garage door drop closed.
"And thank God for that. We've been camping out here all night in the cold and mud. I'm done in," came the complaint over the headset. "We all are," Kali said grimly. " So quit your bitchin' and move into position or I'll come find you and kick your arse."
"God, Kali, I love how your accent comes out when you're annoyed. It's so Eliza Doolittle." Dean's voice was smooth and full of laughter this time. It made her suspect he'd complained just to get a reaction out of her, especially when he added, "I like it best when you talk dirty. It just revs my engine."
"Dirty?" she asked with surprise.
"ummm hmmm," Dean crooned. "You said arse."
Kali covered the mouthpiece of her headset as a bark of laughter slipped from her lips. She hadn't worked with Dean long, but was quickly learning the man was a character. Shaking her head, she removed her hand from her mouthpiece and said, "Stop flirting with me, you cheeky bastard, and move into posit--"
A choked sound and rustle of cloth from her earpiece made her stop talking and listen instead before she said, "Dean? Dean?"
Kali paused a heartbeat to wait for a response, and then said "Valen? Do you see Dean?"
Silence was her only answer.
"Ah hell," she muttered. Slipping out from behind the tree she'd been using for cover, Kali started moving quickly in Dean's direction. She had the dart gun she'd been issued in one hand, but her sword in the other. It was the sword that saved her. Before Kali reached the spot where she's ordered Dean to take cover, the dart gun was abruptly kicked from her grip. She never saw it coming, but reacted instinctively, sword hand coming up and swinging hard even as she turned toward her assailant. She caught him at the base of the throat where it met his shoulder. The blade went deep, slicing better than halfway through his neck.
Kali yanked it out, grimacing at the sucking sound it made. She watched the man topple sideways to the ground, and then quickly wiped the blade off on her attacker's coat before grabbing up the dart gun she'd dropped. Shooting him with it to ensure he didn't heal and rise to quickly, she then turned and continued forward. Kali found Dean on his back in the mud some twelve feet from where she'd been attacked.
There was a knife in his chest.
"You should have moved when I told you to," Kali muttered as she bent to tug the Ivory-handled knife from his heart. He didn't open his eyes and sit up at once, but she hadn't expected him to. He'd need some time to heal. Kali reached into the satchel hanging at her side, pulled out a bag of blood and then opened his mouth. She had to massage his upper gums briefly to get his fangs to slide out, but then she slapped the bag to them.
Leaving Dean where he lay, Kali straightened and glanced around before continuing along the path. Valen had been positioned another thirty feet ahead in the woods surrounding the house. She found the hunter exactly where she expected, also with a knife to the heart. As she removed it, Kali noted that it was a duplicate of the knife that had been in Dean's chest.
Tossing the blade aside, Kali slapped a bag of blood onto Valen's fangs as well before turning to peer through the bushes at the house they'd been watching since just after sunset. It had been empty by the time they'd got their orders from Bane at the Enforcer house and made their way here. The inhabitants, a rogue immortal and his minions, had already been gone by then, probably to hunt up new victims. Kali, Dean, and Valen had sat here awaiting their return for most of the night and now it was almost dawn, but a few minutes ago a van had pulled into the driveway. The garage door had opened, the van had pulled in, and the door had closed without them ever seeing how many people were in the vehicle. Which was why Kali had ordered Dean to approach the house. They needed to know how many rogues they were dealing with and what the situation was. It was vital to their approach. If there were innocent mortals who needed saving, for instance, it would affect how they handled everything.
It seemed, however, that their presence hadn't gone unnoticed, and one of the returning rogues had managed to slip out unseen and sneak up on them. Her question now was whether that was the only one. Had the newly turned rogue just been sent out to check around and happened upon them? Or had they been spotted and he was sent to take care of them? And if so, how many others, if any, we're out scouring the trees surrounding the house, looking for them? Aside from whether there were innocents around, Kali also needed to know how many rogues were inside besides Walter Simpson, the master rogue of this group. Unfortunately, getting those answers and doing anything with them would be hard since her entire, and very tiny, team was now laying incapacitated and rather useless on the ground, except for herself.
Cursing under her breath, Kali took a quick glance around and then moved to the nearest tree and swiftly climbed up into the branches. She settled on a large, sturdy branch fifteen feet up, took a moment to be sure that she had a good view of the surrounding area and that no one could sneak up on her, and then slid her cell phone from her pocket.
Bane answered on the first ring. "Problem?"
"oh no, Bane. I just called to say hi," she said lightly, rolling her eyes, and then explained grimly, "Dean and Valen are both down from knives to the heart. The blades are out, and I think I got their attacker unless there were two. But that leaves me on my own with a rogue who may or may not have others to help him, and who may or may not know people are out here."
"The attacker's not talking?" Bane asked.
"Hard to talk with your windpipe hacked open,"
Kali said dryly.
"I would imagine so," Bane agreed, and she was sure she could hear a smile in his voice." Well, you are in luck. A couple of reinforcements walked in just moments ago. They will be there in twenty minutes. Stay put until they join you."
Kali opened her mouth to answer, but paused as a woman's scream came from the house. It was long, loud, and filled with horror.
So, she thought, there's the answer to one of my questions. Yes, there are innocents inside the house.
"Kali," Bane said with alarm, but she'd already ended the call and slipped the phone back into her pocket so that she could drop out of the tree.

Sorry kinda left it on a cliff-hanger there.
My fingers are starting to hurt from typing so I thought it time to take a break, plus I don't want to give the whole story in one chapter.
The following chapters will not be anywhere this long but I thought since its the first one and I had a good start in making the story I could make a long first chapter.
I'll publish again soon, but first helpful comments and opinions are nice, and will help me decide whether or not I want to continue.
Have a Merry Christmas and see you soon
Luv ya! Bye

1305 words what was I thinking SMH

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 26, 2019 ⏰

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