Chapter 6: From Interrogation to Catch up

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News of Darksun's capture had gone viral as many witnesses in East LA had caught footage of the police sting on their smartphones. Journalists and reporters had scoured social media for the latest dish on Darksun, to use for their reports. Everyone was especially eager to get their hands on the leaked video of Darksun's appearance at the Cradle2Grave nightclub. 

 But none of them had first hand glimpses of the event like Wiccary had. As if her luck hadn't already been as bad as it is, she now wasn't sure of how to explain the situation to Raymundo. Not being able to put it off any longer, Wiccary speed-dialled his number on her phone. Although hoping to be a missed call, Raymundo eventually answered. 

 'Hola chica, how's everythin' comin' along?' 

 Wiccary took a deep breath and began, 'we have a problem, the cops captured Darksun; they beat me to it.' 

 'Que?! What the fuckin' hell happened out there?! I thought you had everythin' under control,' shouted Raymundo over the phone. 

 The witch defended, 'how was I supposed to know the bloody cops were also looking for him. Look, I can redeem myself here. I can sneak into the precinct and snatch Darksun from under their noses.'

 'And how do you suppose you gonna try and get in without gettin' caught yourself?!' asked Raymundo. 

 As she eyed the remaining police cars in the streets, 'you've forgotten I'm a witch, I'll improvise,' said Wiccary before she hung up. 

 Just as Raymundo was about to turn off his phone, he received another call, though the number he saw was someone he had hoped he wouldn't hear from. 

 'Ugh hey Señor, I wasn't expectin' ta hear from you until we got the vigilante,' he nervously answered his phone. 

 'Well based on the news reports that are comin' in, you ain't doin' a good job catchin' him,' a man's voice with a southern accent answered with a sarcastic remark. 

 'I know it looks bad Señor, but the girl we hired is workin' on the inside, she'll grab him from the cops and I'll call you back so you can collect him, is the deal still valid Señor?' said Raymundo.

 'And what if the witch fails in her personal mission?' asked the voice on the other end. 

 'Ugh I don't know Sir, I haven't considered that thought,' answered Raymundo. 

 'Then ah guess it's time to put Plan B into motion, don't ya think?'

 'Are you sure we should be doin' that Señor? I mean would that make us lose our chance at the bounty?' asked Raymundo nervously. 

 'Nah, this is just to eliminate the competition while we sit back and watch. Plus knowin' that we're dealin' with the LAPD, ah'm sure there's a few dirty cops on the others' payroll. Ah suggest that ya send the text to those mentioned others, and while you're at it, ah'm tripling the bounty on his head to one million dollars, so ah expect results within the next few hours, understand?' 

Raymundo answered the voice, 'Si yo entiende Señor.' 

 As the cartel's benefactor hung up, Raymundo crafted a new message to be sent directly to the phones of the bosses of other gangs such as the Yakuza, the Triad in the downtown areas, the Mafias occupying the little European towns and northern suburbs, and the street gangs in the west coast and Eastside barrios.

 'Darksun is hold up @ LAPD Central Precinct, bounty's up to $1 Million, winner take all.' 

 With the message sent, Raymundo and his crew were told to wait for the action to begin. 

Darksun - Volume 1: Neco'maWhere stories live. Discover now