Sweet Tooth ( Rewrite )

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Max laid there on his bed, scrolling through his feed; it flashed the colours of red and pink... disgusting. You see, today was the day where singles would either mope about their loneliness or spit out some stolen quote off tumblr.

Valentines day-

Max never partook in it, mainly because he didn't have anyone to share it with. He had a crush, yeah, he'd been sweeping it under the carpet for way too long; but asides that he did. It was none other than his childhood bestfriend... Neil.

Max felt like a total idiot for falling for him, was he gay? Well, moreso bisexual but it'd do. Max couldn't really do anything about it, he was sure Neil was straight; Afterall, he did have a crush on Erin for a short while.

Above it all though, long story short; Max had the biggest, gayest crush on his bestfriend Neil. Despite desperately trying to brush off them feelings, they only grew more intense as the days passed by.

Currently, Max was bored to the bone and wanted to find something to do that wasn't Valentines related; because it reminded him of his wishful dream of calling Neil his- it was impossible... the possibility of Neil being gay? The number was so low it might as well be lower than hell itself.

He decided, to distract himself from all this lovey dovey shit he'd figured to drown himself with chocolate. Alot of it was on sale for the Valentines day event which worked to Max's benefit. He snatched his wallet from his bedside, shoving that and his phone into his hoodie's pocket.

" Ay Dad- I'm gonna go to the mall " Max said, not even bothering to give David a glance or so.

" Alright! Be back by 4pm though " He smiled, chopping vegetables for their dinner that night.

Max was out by the door by then, but it didn't matter; be back by 4pm always whenever he went out. The nearby mall wasn't too far, a 15 minute walk to there. It'd be fine... right-?

By the time Max had gotten there, it was roughly 1:20pm. Of course it was decorated head to toe with hearts and such shenanigans. By walking past some of the stalls he could see couples having a full on makeout session- wow, no shame-

Max scoffed and dismissed it all, eyes on the prize- he looked over the windows, chocolates of all types on display in heart shapes. He decided on a small store, it was a petite looking shop with pretty good looking chocolate.

The ravenette wandered around the small aisles of shelves, chocolates on display. He picked up one of the boxes, examining it before a familiar voice came from the otherside of the shelf;

" Which one would he like?... " the voice muttered in a questionable tone, of course, Max was sorta bamboozled to why the voice had sounded so familiar to him. He looked over the next aisle to find... Neil-?

" O-oh- uh- Hey Max! " Neil chuckled nervously, hiding something behind his back; he had an unsure grin that made Max off edge- wait- why was- Max's heart shattered right then and there, his eyes beginning to sting and tears now threatened to spill.

He started to believe Neil was here to buy gifts for someone else, which wasn't him- though a tear managed to escape it's efforts, and before it could trigger the rest of them; Max ran off past Neil " Yeah- See you around " he said as he ran past him; he no longer wanted to be by him or see him, he taunted him.

Neil watched as Max ran from him, confused to what just happened. The ravenette was already sad and depressed looking, but when their eyes met it seemed as Max saw death's doorstep; a tear shedding out of his view but he managed to hide it.

Neil furrowed his eyebrows, Max wasn't usually like this; something was off. Asides that he bought whatever he needed to buy and walked back home.

Max on the other hand, he ran most of the way back, opening his front door violently. " Oh, you're back earl- "

" Shut up David, I don't wanna talk " Max interupted, storming off into his room where he could cry in peace, he slammed the door shut, followed by locking the door and sliding down it; till he sat on the floor, feeling like a pathetic mess.

Tears streamed down his face as he started to question things like, ' Why am I crying? I knew this would happen ' or ' Why did I have to come across Neil-? '. He believed all of it was stupid but the tears still kept coming down to no remorse.

A knock came to the door, " Max? Are you okay? " David asked to the other side, curious to what just happened. " David, not now-! " Max replied, his voice hitched and dry.

Another knock came again, " Please just talk to me about it " David asked, sounding a little more desperate this time. Max felt like his patience was being tested right now, if he said he didn't want to talk then that was it.

" Go. AWAY. " Max snapped, only causing more tears to start pouring out. A moment of silence past then a knock on his door, Max was fed up, he wiped away his tears and unlocked the door; pulling open the door.

" WHAT DO Y- Neil-?! " Max said, suprised at his sudden appearance. Well shit, he looked like a mess in front of his own crush. His eyes had a hollow look because he was crying, his cheeks and nose were red and hair was a mess.

Max sighed as he shook his head, Neil was infront of his bedroom door and he believed it was David whom let him in. He closed the door but Neil caught it by putting his foot inbetween. Opening the door to Max's room, the boy himself was slouched over by the bed; he wanted to be left alone to his unrecorded sadness.

At this point Max didn't care anymore, letting Neil come inside. The brunette did accordingly so and closed the door behind him, coming up besides Max and sitting next to him.

" Just leave me alone... please... go give your stupid gift to whomever " Max said, his voice muffled as he had both knees drawn up; hugging them tightly to no prevail.

Neil stayed silent, was this what all of this was about? He was dissapointed, because... he was actually buying a gift for Max, planning to confess to him today. He shook Max's shoulder, as he handed him the heart shaped box; ' To Max ' was labeled in a tag.

" This is for... um.. you " he said with a nervous chuckle, Max looked up at the box; getting excited for a second but stopped himself-

" You're only doing this to cheer me up-? Aren't you " Max protested, narrowing his eyes up to Neil. He'd known him for years, he was usually the type to do so since he was sort of a pushover.

Neil shook his head with a small smile, " I... I like you... " he muttered, scratching the back of his neck and adverting his gaze; a blush starting at the bridge of his nose.

Max's eyes widened looking at the heart shaped box then back at Neil, " A-are you fucking with me? " he asked, he wanted him to say no. He wanted this to be real- but he knew in the end, he never got what he wanted; no matter how hard he wished for it.

Neil huffed, " No- I'm not! Just open the godamn box- " he chuckled, nudging Max and shoving it into his hands. Max stayed silent this time, looking back at Neil then at the box again; hesitantly undoing the neatly done ribbon and lifting up the lid.

As the usual, there was a shit tonne of chocolates; he wanted to burst into tears but none came out. He was fresh out of tears after what had just happened previously, he swallowed dryly as he sighed; shaking his head and tilted it to Neil.

" This... this is too much " Max said, furrowing his eyebrows. He felt like he couldn't accept what Neil had gifted to him... Max looked away, his face starting to feel a little red;

Neil furrowed his eyebrows, taking one of the chocolates and placing it in his mouth. " shutup, I love you " he snapped before connecting his lips with Max; the chocolate being shared amongst the both of them as Neil had his hand behind Max's head. Apon parting a small string of spit hanged from inbetween their lips;

" Fuck, you know I have a sweet tooth- " Max said with a smug grin, finally giving into Neil and placing another, more passionate kiss...

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