Prologue: Lone Rat

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{Author's Note: This is a 'What If' fanfic based on the TMNT 2012 tv show. I do not own the TMNT franchise, or any of its characters, I only own the plot. Please comment and critique! Your criticism is welcome! Just please keep it clean and healthy! Thank you!}

He rummaged around in the old dumpster, looking for something at least a little edible. Food seemed especially hard to come by lately. And he couldn't just get something from a corner store or fast food restaurant anymore, considering his.. Condition.

He sighed and shut the dumpster lid gently, defeated. Nothing.

He trudged over to the fire escape shifting the makeshift bag strapped to his back, trying to make it more comfortable for climbing.

Reaching up he grabbed the lowest rung, the cold from the steel seeping through the wrappings on his hands. He quietly hoisted himself up, and swiftly climbed the rest of way up till he was standing on the building rooftop.

At least he didn't have to worry about witnesses up here.

Hurriedly making his way across the roof, he headed towards the next deserted alley. Maybe there was something useful in one of those dumpsters.

Looking down over the edge of the building he silently slid down the fire escape, gently landing on the cool cement ground. Trash littered the alleyway and graffiti covered the walls, but he wasn't here for the scenery. He was here for something much more physically satisfying.

He turned his snout up into the gentle breeze, trying to catch a whiff of something edible. And he succeeded.

There was most definitely food in this alley.
He smiled to himself.

At least there were a few upsides to his current state of being.

He was just about to step out into the open when his enhanced hearing picked up the sound of clumsy, uncaring footsteps heading towards the alleyway.

He stayed back in the shadows, praying that it was just a passerby.

But luck had officially abandoned him, and, just as he feared, it was another hobo searching for a midnight meal.

The homeless man lumbered over to the nearest dumpster, unceremoniously opening the lid for a better look inside.

Yoshi hesitated, retreating back into the shadows as he quickly looked over his fellow scavenger.

The hobo wasn't a big man, though he did carry his weight around the middle a little too much. His scraggly beard partially hid the toothless grin he dumbly portrayed to no one in particular. His slouched figure proved years of improper posture, and his worn attire hung ragged on him from constant use. On top of the man's balding head was a moth eaten, blue hat, obviously not doing very good at its required job.

The man mumbled nonsensical words to himself as he leaned over the lip of the dumpster, peering into the random garbage that residents had thrown out over the past week.

Yoshi retreated back into the shadows even farther, turning to leave, perhaps he could come back some other time.

But a strong scent assaulting his sensitive sense of smell stopped him in his tracks.
He whipped his head around to look back at the man rummaging in the dumpster and inwardly cursed.

That dumpster had food. And now that man was going to take it. He would be forced to spend another night with only a few crumbs to keep starvation at bay.

Or would he?

Come now Yoshi, he lectured himself, You do this every night. You are always too quick to play it safe. If you do not start trying harder you will starve to death! Remember who you are. You are a ninja. Hamato Yoshi. Even in this, form. You are still the same person. Now stop hiding like a coward and survive!

Another Beginning حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن