Chapter 2: A Strange New World

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{Disclaimer: I do not own the ninja turtles or other characters involved in the franchise}

'D' slowly opened his eyes with a heavy yawn.
Propping himself up on one elbow, he rubbed his foggy eyes before surveying his surroundings.

They had reached the outskirts of the city's domain the night before without any huge difficulty.

The strange structures here were shorter than the ones in the center, but the large, dark gaps between them were agreed to be the best temporary shelter. At least for the night.

'D' looked around at the cluttered area, little scraps of things that were foreign to his knowledge laid scattered about the cold hard ground. He heard a loud snore from behind him and twisted around to see 'B' sleeping peacefully on his shell. 'D' couldn't help but grin at the sight.

They were free. Finally free.

The realization made him feel lighter than air. A bubbling giddiness bloomed in his chest, like the feeling a girl has when her lifelong crush calls her by her name.

He swung his head around to look at 'A' who was sleeping soundly on 'D's other side. His breaths even and steady, as he laid on his side.

No shackles. No cages. No prodding, poking, or dread of the next experiment. Just peaceful slumber.

'D's eyes trailed down to the bite mark on 'A's lower leg and his smile slowly began to fade. The green skin had turned purple from the bruising, and the wound had swollen slightly. Most likely from irritation at the sand stuck to the dried layers of blood.

'D' frowned at the injury. He didn't have time to clean it the night before. They were all too busy looking for a suitable shelter, and 'A' insisted that it really wasn't that bad. Besides, even if they did have time, and the right materials, 'D' doubted that he could really do anything helpful.

He sat up with a sigh and peaked over the top of the giant metal bin that they had moved to hide behind. It proved to be heavier than they thought, though, and were only able to move it away from the solid wall it had been previously pressed up against. Just enough for them all to lay down comfortably behind it.

This way, if Kraang was searching for them, they would be hidden from view.

It felt secure. A feeling that 'D' wasn't accustomed to. And he was liking it. They had survived the night.

'D' glanced up at the strange yellow light that began to filter gently into their hiding place.
He gaped in awe at the strange sight. He'd never seen anything like it. It was so warm, and alive. Very much unlike the artificial lighting used in their cages.

He couldn't help wondering what the source of the light was. Did it radiate heat like some of the lights in their prison? Were there some sort of medicinal properties? Why did it feel so right for it to chase away the dark? Was it natural? Or was it made by whoever had created the buildings and giant metal boxes?

There were so many questions buzzing inside his mind, and 'D's first reaction was to suppress his thirst for answers.

Usually such brain activity would be rewarded with punishment and harsh treatment that 'D' would really rather not remember.

But when he began suppressing them out of habit, he stopped. Glancing down at 'A's sleeping form in front of him.

There was no tank or cage separating them. No judgement or cruelty outside of their door. They were free now. They could do what they wanted. Think how they wanted.

Slowly, 'D' allowed himself to relax, and let the questions come back to the front of his brain, one by one.

The first one that jumped to his attention was, did this strange lighting radiate any heat?
This could be crucial information to them. 'D' was fully aware of their physical needs and desires. One of which was having a heat source to bask in.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 27, 2019 ⏰

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