Part 2

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To who ever finds this.

You've proberly read this after finding me, i left a note just to say that i do love u all, ive not done this because i hate u. its my problems. Mum, you have been the best mum anyone could ever have. Youve always put us first and yourself last. we always never went without u did your very best to provide us with everything we wanted. Your a strong woman and a very brave one. I admire you and i love u with all my heart. Im sorry if ive been horrile little cow lately ive just had too much on my plate. Im sorry to my sister too, ive been a horrible person and i hope she can find it in her heart to forgive me

I stopped reading and pressed delete, then emptied the recycling in. I kept repeating to myself i'm stronger than this much much stronger and i can beat it, just need to focus on getting my life sorted.

I went to the doctors and they started counciling for me, i just told them i was depressed not the real reason.

I was nervous about counciling but the first session actually went ok. My adviser was named Cath, she was tall meduim built, not the prettiest woman but had a lovely personality. Cath had a mole next to her lip and i thought it was beautiful like the 'bratz' dolls had.

Few weeks went by and it was hard for Bobby but she was managing, her counciling was going well but her and Ben had spilt up. She actually was happier now she wasnt with him as she were focusing on a new start. Bobby then finally decided to tell someone about the incident that had happened, she told Chrissie.

Chrissie was very supportive and listened when needed and spoke when she liked, she helped Bobby lots. Bobbie started going out with her friend and making new ones each time slowly forgetting about the past.

A year later, Bobbie was back to hrself but a better self. It was almost like everything that had happened made her stronger. She looked a different person too. Short brown hair cut into an inverted long bob, blonde highlights, never went anywhere without make up and for nights out she would put her hair extensions in making her look prettier. Chrissie also changed her look, She now had dark brown hair which complimented her bright blue eyes, she wore more make up, and looked prettier even tho i thought she couldnt get any more beautiful as she was stunning!

The girls made friends with 5 boys, Lesley, Thomas, Sam, Bryn and Will. They started going out with them every weekend, fri-sun garenteed every week. They would drink there vodkas and coke in the street, school or Lesleys back garden. They enjoyed there selves so much.

The girls began to fall in love with two of the lads, Lesley and Thomas. They were their knight in shining armour.

Will update soon x

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 20, 2012 ⏰

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